
Redazione - page 274

Redazione has 3168 articles published.

16- year-old sentenced to 13 years of prison by Israeli occupation court

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The Israeli occupation court on Wednesday has sentenced the 16-year-old prisoner, Nurhan Awwad to 13 years in prison under the pretext of a stabbing attempt. Israeli Forces shot, wounded and detained Nurhan on 23 November 2015, after having shot-dead her cousin, Hadeel Awwad, under the pretext of a settler-stabbing attempt in Jaffa street, Jerusalem. Two weeks ago, Israel sentenced the 14-year-old child Ahmad Manasra with 12 years of prison, under the pretext of a stabbing attempt as well. On 12 October 2015, Ahmad was shot and tortured on camera by an Israeli settler, while his cousin, Hassan Manasra was killed on the spot.

MKs refuse to accept PM Netanyahu’s decision to ban them from visiting Temple Mount

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On Wednesday, MK Yehuda Glick (Likud) announced that he has petitioned the High Court regarding Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s decision to ban MKs from visiting the Temple Mount. Interior Minister Gilad Erdan said this week that “The Israeli police believe, based on their professional assessments, that it is possible to resume the visits.” Netanyahu has not been persuaded to cancel his ban on MKs visiting the Temple Mount despite the police statement that he could do so.

There’s still no chance for meeting of the Normandy Quartet

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On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, affirmed that  there is still no possibility in sight for another ministerial meeting of the Normandy Quartet (Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine) since a road map on Donbass, that the ministers will have to approve, hasn’t been agreed on yet.  Lavrov also said that the Normandy Quartet leaders gave instructions to their foreign policy aides to draw up a road map, the aides have been maintaining constant contacts with each other. The aides have been working to outline the sequence of steps, taking into account the principle of simultaneous efforts, agreed on by the four leaders in Berlin on 20th of October. The principle concerns security sphere and political reforms that the Ukrainian authorities should carry out according to the Minsk agreements dated February 12, 2015.

Ukraine was asked by Russian consulate to confirm identity of detained nationals

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On Tuesday, the press service of the Russian Embassy to Ukraine affirmed that the Russian consulate general in Odessa has sent a note to Ukraine asking it to present copies of the documents confirming the identity of the detained Russian nationals. Late on Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that two Russian servicemen had been abducted by Ukraine’s Security Service in Crimea and taken to Ukraine’s Nikolayev region. Ukraine’s Defense Ministry’s spokesman on the Donbass Military Operation, Alexander Motuzyanik, affirmed that the Russian servicemen detained on the border with Crimea are the former servicemen of Ukraine’s army accused of breaking the military oath. According to a Russian Black Sea Fleet source, the Russian servicemen abducted by Ukrainian security operatives in Crimea have been lured under the pretense of providing them with documents confirming obtaining higher education in Ukrainian universities. The Russian Ministry warned that the Ukrainian authorities could use psychological and physical pressure to force the Russian servicemen to confess their alleged crimes against Ukraine.

US is creating security threat with its armaments in Europe

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On Tuesday, Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman, Major-General Igor Kanashenkov, affirmed that the United States are creating a security threat by saturating Europe with their armaments. The Defense Ministry spokesman thus commented on a statement by the US State Department that Russia was deploying S-400 antiaircraft missile systems and Iskander tactical missile complexes in its Kaliningrad Region. The general mentioned the construction and deployment of US missile shield facilities in Poland and Romania and the upcoming deployment of NATO’s combat units mostly composed of US servicemen in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland, as well as the dispatch of US marines to Russia’s neighbor Norway in the imminent future. On Monday, Russian Senator Viktor Ozerov, chair of the upper house Defense and Security Committee, said Russia will be forced to deploy ballistic missiles in Kaliningrad, responding to the threat posed by US cruise missiles recently sent to Poland and Romania.

Azerbaijani President hopes the successful co-op with new US administration will continue

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received US Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Bridget Brink on Nov. 22. The head of state recalled broad discussions on bilateral relations and regional issues that they held with Bridget Brink in summer of 2016. President Ilham Aliyev expressed hope that successful cooperation between the two countries will be continued with the new administration of the US. Brink highlighted her country’s strong support for Azerbaijan, as well as for the entire region. She said the US has carried out consistent policy in this regard for a long time.

Syria’s envoy to the UN accused Saudi Arabia of exporting terrorists to his country

Syria’s envoy to the UN said that Saudi Arabia has gathered terrorists from all over the world and exported them to his country. “They have exported their terror to us. They brought terrorists to us from all over the world,” said Bashar al-Jafari while addressing the United Nations Security Council session on Monday, presstv reported.

Serbian PM Vucic will meet the pro-Serb opposition’s leaders in Montenegro

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Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic will meet leaders of the pro-Serb opposition in Montenegro even though some of them have been accused of involvement in a coup attempt. The leaders of the pro-Serbian opposition and Serb organisations demanded an urgent meeting with Vucic in Belgrade two weeks ago about what they said was the “intolerable situation” facing the Serb community in Montenegro, but Vucic told journalists that he had not meet them yet because he was too busy.

The new US allies in post-TPP world

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During his campaign, Trump frequently criticized Obama’s Asia policy, which was based on defending key regional allies such as Japan and South Korea. The most memorable part of Obama’s diplomatic effort in East Asia has been America’s “Pivot to Asia”, also described more recently as a rebalancing of its involvement in the Asia-Pacific region. Pivot to East Asia was a regional strategy, whose key areas of actions were: “strengthening bilateral security alliances; deepening the working relationships with emerging powers, including with China; engaging with regional multilateral institutions; expanding trade and investment; forging a broad-based military presence; and advancing democracy and human rights.” However there has been strong perception from China that all of these are part of US’ China containment policy. Supporters of this theory claim that the United States needs a weak, divided China to continue its hegemony in Asia. This is accomplished, the theory claims, by the United States establishing military, economic, and diplomatic ties with countries adjacent to China’s borders.

This is demonstrated by the fact that one of the main dispute between United States and China has concerned the South China Sea, where US military ships’ passage through China’s claimed exclusive economic zone was a key source of tension. As its military and economic power grew, China wanted to control more of its surrounding waters to guarantee its security needs, while the US felt it was in its national interests to minimize countries’ maritime claims and preserve its freedom to conduct military activities in the region.

Trump has sought to reassure both Tokyo and Seoul that the US would maintain a strong defensive posture in the Asia-Pacific region to protect its security and trade allies. But, the first meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Trump Tower in Manhattan on Thursday realized few concrete results. Abe has already pointed out that, in case of failure of the TPP, the problem of the alternative options would be set in Japan and would bring to the RCEP, the pan-Asian agreement in negotiation, which excludes the Usa and it has China as principal economy. So in other words, if Washington withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an increase in economic influence for the Chinese region will be inevitable. At a news conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Monday, Abe said the TPP would be “meaningless” without the US and could not be renegotiated. Besides, Trump’s advisers said Trump would double down on Washington’s commitment to rebuilding the US military, including adding some 80 warships to the US Navy to counter China’s rapidly expanding military capabilities, and urging Japan and South Korea to share the cost of sustaining a US presence in the region. They suggested that the new president would follow Ronald Reagan’s hawkish foreign policy doctrine of peace through strength, which has been endorsed by every Republican presidential nominee since the 1980s.

The policy initiatives of Clinton would have led to continue with pivoting to Asia and the TPP, encircling China politically and militarily, and isolating China economically. But according to Chinese advisers, Trump could be an opportunity towards more boosting economic development to unite American society, unlike democratic presidents who wanted Washington to show strength through interference in other nations. For these reasons, China is likely to face less political and military pressure in the Asia-Pacific under Trump because his administration would be less keen to interfere in global ­affairs.

On Monday, Trump revealed his policy plans for his first 100 days in office and vowing to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership “from day one”. Instead he said he would “negotiate fair bilateral trade deals that bring jobs and industry back”. The TPP intentionally excluded China; it was a central part of outgoing President Barack Obama’s push to boost US influence in the Asia-Pacific region. Through creating the world’s biggest free-trade zone with 11 partner nations, a strategic alliance would be put in place on China’s doorstep with the aim of countering its rise. The day after this statement, the Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Yang said that US policies towards China may be uncertain, but he is optimistic about American choices to take advantage of market opportunities in China’s economy. So clearly there are elements of rivalry, challenges, United States and China have different political systems and political values that are really the opposite, but it doesn’t mean that they cannot find ways to work together when the world is faced with very pressing problem.


By Roberta Ciampo

New state of emergency decrees dismissed more than 15,500 public personnel from their posts

More than 15,500 public personnel in Turkey have been dismissed from their posts with two new state of emergency decrees, the Official Gazette reported early on Nov. 22. A total of 15,726 personnel have been dismissed, mostly from the police, over suspected links to the movement of the U.S.-based preacher Fethullah Gülen, believed to have masterminded the failed July 15 coup attempt.

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