A day after U.S. President Donald Trump’s departure, Jerusalem shifted its attention to official ceremonies, festivities and emotional remarks as the capital celebrated Wednesday the 50th anniversary of its reunification in the Six-Day War. Nethanyau said that Jerusalem was and always will be the capital of Israel. The Temple Mount and the Western Wall will always remain under Israeli sovereignty. The prime minister also participated in the official ceremony marking the liberation of Jerusalem, held on Ammunition Hill in Jerusalem. Nethanyau said to the families of the fallen soldiers that we have not forgotten any of your loved ones. Despite the preparations, clashes erupted when left-wing activists tried to prevent the marchers from passing through Damascus Gate and were removed from the area by Border Police. Anyway we have to underline the fact that Jerusalem is also one of the poorest cities in the country. About 45% of Jerusalem’s nearly 900,000 residents live below the poverty line, compared with 20% among the population nationwide.
On Jerusalem Day, PM vows: Western Wall will always be ours
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