The current state of emergency in Mali was extended to six months until October 31st, by the National Assembly. Gathered on Friday, the National Assembly extended “the state of emergency until October 31st, 2017 on the whole territory, the bill was voted unanimously. This measure of exception was repeatedly established in the country since the Jihadist attack against the hotel Radisson Blu of Bamako on November 20th, 2015. The state of emergency preview in particular possibilities of intervention by security forces, it was restored after a new attack attributed to the Jihadists on April 18th to Gourma Rharous, in the region of Timbuktoo which made five deaths and about ten wounded persons among the malian soldiers, according to an official toll. The military operation Barkhane is fighting against the Jihadists in Sahel, the north of Mali had fallen in March-April, 2012 under Jihadist groups connected to Al-Qaeda.
Mali: The state of emergency extended by six months until the end of October
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