In the lake Chad region over 2 million people are displaced.

in BreakingNews @en by

In the lake Chad region (which includes part of Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad) over 2 million people are displaced. The area has been declared one of the most critic, because of the cholera, the poverty and the terroristic attacks which all together contribute to create one of the most severe and tragic humanitarian crise the world has ever witnessed. Out of the 17 million peopleliving in the Lale Chad Region, around 10 million are in need of food, water and shelter. The situation gets even more complex since the remoteness of the region make it challenging for the UN agencies to deliver the assistance. The area is also devasted by the impact of climate change, as the Lake waters are drying up and many people are no longer able to live with fishery. Four UN agencies (UNICEF, WFP, UNHCR and OCHA) have decided to invest together in the Ready to Respond Project to get the region better prepared for escalation of violence and potential new emergencies – while in parallel keep responding to immediate and urgent needs. Since 2014, the agencies keep responding to urgent needs: they  prepositioned relief items such as food, communication equipment and educational kits for children.

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