The Commander Aboubacar Sidiki Diakité was extradited to Guinea on sunday evening by the Senegalese Justice

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Wanted and charged of murder, complicity of murder, detention, etc, n. Toumba Diakité arrived aboard his flight, he was sent back to the prison of Conakry escorted under high surveillance. Diakité, aimed by an international arrest warrant, was already stopped on December by the police in Dakar, where he lived under an assumed identity. He was wanted for his implication in the massacre committed in September 2009 in a stadium of Conakry where were gathered thousands of opponents of the candidacy for the presidential election of Moussa Dadis Camara. That day had been killed 157 people according to the International Commission of Investigation of the ONU. Diakité then tried in December of the same year, to murder his boss Dadis Camara, blaming him for wanting to make him carry all the responsability of the massacre

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