Libya's civil war: Khalifa Haftar is winning. Russia senses an opportunity in Libya

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This reality has profound implications for the future of the country, partly Because of a dramatic new development – the entry of Russia into the diplomatic mix. The battle Began last week When militias based in central Libya drove 100 miles across the desert to attack Libya’s oil hub ports, Sidra and nearby RasLanuf. Those terminals link to the massive Oil Crescent, home to the bulk of Libya’s oil. Quite simply, who controls this Crescent controls Libya. For public consumption, the militias brand Themselves the Benghazi Defence Brigades, Extremists kicked out of Benghazi When most of the city was liberated by the Libya National Army (LNA) last year. In fact, they comprise various Al Qaeda elements, units from the Petroleum Facilities guard kicked out of the oil ports last year by the LNA, fighters from Misrata, and, according to Functional the LNA, mercenaries from Chad. But the attack did not go as planned. Yes, the militias got to the ports, but no, they did not get inside them. Both ports are defended by the LNA and rather than internships to full-on assault, the militias contented with Themselves Occupying deserted residential areas and workers’ accommodation outside the ports. That will test a major strategic weakness, Because the LNA is averse to bombing port infrastructure, but less worried about bombing empty accommodation blocks. An LNA counter attack is now going on, and it will crush the militias in the coming days, leaving the balance of power as it was – Which is to say, with Haftar.

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