The relations of co-operation between Tunisia and the European Union (EU) have witnessed a fresh momentum over the past two years mainly at the political level: the publication on September 26, 2016, by the EU of a joint communication between the European Commission and the EU High Representative to “strengthen EU’s support to Tunisia”. A communication that represents a strong signal from the EU Institution to Tunisia, and that was reinforced by the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) conclusions of October 17.2016. The support provided by the European Parliament to Tunisia as well as the adoption on September 14, 2016 of a Resolution on “the Union’s relations with Tunisia in the current regional state” illustrating the willingness of the EU Institution to further support Tunisia in its democratic consolidation process and of the overall reforms and proposing initiatives in this sense to the European executive. Increasing parliamentary exchanges through the visit in Tunis by the President of the European Parliament in February 2016 and the establishment of the joint parliamentary commission between Tunisia and the European Parliament. The visit of EU High Representative Federica Mogherini in Tunis (November 1, 2016) and the participation of the European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy in the international investment conference on November 29-30 in Tunis. The celebration of the 40th anniversary of the first co-operation agreement established between the two countries.
Co-operation agreement between Tunisia and EU is succesful
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