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Riyadh summits embodied keenness to achieve security, stability, says King Salman

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King Salman has thanked all authorities of member states of GCC and also Trump, for their participation to this summit, where they had the opportunity of discussing about several and noteworthy challenges in various fields. This has led to signing an important agreement between GCC countries and USA, and also the establishment of Center for countering Terrorism in Riyadh. The aim of Global Center for combating extremist Ideology is prevent families from spreading of terrorism and extremism. The ability of Saudi Kingdom of hosting this summit reflects the importance of bolstering international relations, to achieve common goals. The Cabinet has also thanked King Salman for his help, but it has also reminded the importance of eradicating terrorism and extremism in several States and interviewing in some situations such as war between Palestian and Israelian people and also interviewing in Syria. It was established by Public Investment Fund the establishment of Saudi Military Industries, which localize 50% of military expenses. The Cabinet has also thanked King Salman of supporting and giving efforts to Yemeni people, to contain disease. In conclusion, Saudi Government has signed a MoU with Japan, in compliance with Vision 2030 and others are going to be signed with Azeri and Sweden Government, to implement their economic relations.


Saudi Arabia wins top regional project quality award a new year

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During the MEED Quality Awards for project, the top prize was given to Saudi Arabian project regarding a petrochemical collaboration between ARMCO and Dow industries. It is the largest petrochemical project comprising 26 fully integrated world scale production plants, three third-party feedstock units. It is called Samara and for ARMCO it represents a key component in its expansion in the Kingdom’s economy. It will be an essential developing opportunity for all markets of Middle-East, Africa and Asia-Pacific. This is the second win in row for the Kingdom in MEED competition. In addition to UAE and Qatar, it is the only state to have won this prize. The other regional winner from Saudi Arabia was the General Authority of Civil Aviation’s Design and Build of Terminal 5 and Related Facilities at the King Khaled International Airport Project (nominated by a TAV-Al Arrab Contracting joint venture) which won the GCC Transport Project of the Year award.

Saudi delegation to discuss key issues at global parliamentarian's meet

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An 8 member Saudi Shoura delegation, led by the Shoura Council’s vice speaker, is participating in a fiveday world parliamentarian’s conference, organized jointly by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Jatiya Sangsad (national Parliament of Bangladesh), in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The conference was about global unity to fight terrorism and militancy, which are costing human lives, and how to end political and economic inequality. Among the participants of the conference there are 687 members of 131 national parliaments of the world, 45 speakers, 37 deputy speakers and more than 200 women parlamentarians. Moreover a Saudi Press Agency report said “the meeting aims to discuss a number of issues pertaining to the parliament’s role in preventing foreign interference in the internal affairs of the sovereign states” and that the Saudi delegation will also participate in the meetings of Arab and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to implement cooperation on regional and international issues and to ensure peace, security and economic equality across the world.

EU-GCC forum to explore dialogue.

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To mark the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome on Wednesday the EU-Gulf Cooperation Council Forum on the achievements of EU integration will be held in Riyadh, that will begin with a welcome address by the GCC assistant secretary-general for political negotiations, followed by speeches from ambassadors of countries that founded EU. Moreover EU ambassador D’urso will address the gathering. He also said that GCC member countries are ideal partners for EU members for their stability and economic viability and added that EU is interested in the affairs of neighboring countries such as Syria,Yemen,Iraq and Lybia. In this occasion the Saudi envoy said reforms to diversify the economy and improve education will have a positive effect on the countries of the region.

GCC member states reject the Houthis’ government

In a statement, GCC Secretary-General Al-Zayani said that the GCC member states categorically rejected the Houthis’ recently announced government on the basis that President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s government is the legitimate one, constitutionally and legally. The new step by the Houthis and Saleh shows that they are not serious about political negotiations, and seek to impede fervent attempts to stop the war in Yemen: “The formation of a new government in Sana’a represents a new and concerning obstacle to the peace process” said Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed.

GCC denounce Houthi militias of forming a cabinet

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on Tuesday has denounced Iran-backed Houthi militias forming a government in Yemen led by Abdulaziz bin Habtour in what’s been viewed as a provocative move. GCC’s Secretary General Abdulatif Al-Zayani said the Gulf states completely reject this step. The cabinet consists of 42 ministerial portfolios that were equally distributed between the Houthis and supporters of deposed president Ali Abdullah Saleh. This comes as United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed resumes his efforts to find a solution for the crisis and after Kuwait welcomed receiving the legitimate government’s and rebels’ delegations to sign a peace deal.

Deputy Crown Prince wants more military cooperation and joint defense

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Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman chaired on Tuesday the 15th Joint GCC Defense Council meeting, stressing that the GCC’s Ministers of Defense should work towards more military cooperation and joint defense, as “ongoing events in the region make it incumbent upon us to cooperate and coordinate our efforts to meet future challenges.” We look forward to discussing all topics on the agenda of the meeting and putting it into effect and to discussing the outcome of the Camp David meeting, which included strengthening the military and security strategic partnership with the United States for more stability in the Gulf region” Crown Prince said.

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