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Middle East – Africa - page 3

330 academics, many of them from Ankara University, were expelled with a new state of emergency decree

At least 66 courses have been left without academics and 38 undergraduate theses and 89 postgraduate theses have been left without advisers at Ankara University’s Faculty of Language, History and Geography after the government’s latest expulsions. A total of 330 academics, many of them from Ankara University, were expelled with a new state of emergency decree published in the Official Gazette late on Feb. 7, drawing criticism from the opposition and the scholars themselves about the effect the moves will have on education. Ankara University issued a statement titled “Balance sheet of destruction created by decree laws” after the sacking of the academics, noting the number of courses left without professors. At the same time, an Ankara court has ruled that signing the “Academics for Peace Petition”, a document that resulted in the firing of a number of academics, is not grounds for expulsion, daily Cumhuriyet has reported. Over 1,100 signatories of the petition demanded an end to government operations in southeast Turkey last year, eliciting the fury of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and resulting in the sacking of hundreds of academics.

Saudi forces are defending the Yemen borders from Houthis

Houthi militias were stopped at the border with Yemen by Saudi forces that avoid them to get closer. This is not the first attemp of Houthis to cross the border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen or try to smuggle civilians. During this attempt, which started at the break of time, 4 Houthis were killed and several military equipments (weapons, explosive devices, rocket-propelled granades) were seized from them. The militias wore uniforms of the deposed president’s special forces.

Hezbollah: meeting Trump-Netanyahu and the death of the negotiations

Lebanese Hezbollah said on Thursday the outcome of U.S. President Donald Trump’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had effectively signaled an end to peaceful negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. “After what came out after the meeting between Netanyahu and Trump, I am not exaggerating if I say that yesterday there was a semi-official announcement of the death of the path of negotiations”, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in a live televised speech. Trump on Wednesday dropped a U.S. commitment to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Washington’s longstanding policy on the Middle East. “For the Israelis, there is no such thing as a Palestinian state” Nasrallah said, adding that the two-state solution was the only thing keeping the door to negotiations open.

An airstrike destroys the ISIS command center in Mosul

A building believed to be an Islamic State command center in western Mosul was destroyed on Friday in an airstrike conducted by the U.S.-led coalition, the building was situated in a main medical complex of the city. “The coalition was able to determine through intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance efforts that ISIS did not use the building for any medical purposes and that civilians were no longer accessing the site” the coalition said in a statement. “Coalition forces comply with the Law of Armed Conflict, work diligently to be precise in our airstrikes, and take all feasible precautions during the planning and execution of air strikes to reduce the risk of harm to civilians”, they have added.

Saleh al-Sammad condolences to victims of the massacre committed by Saudi aggression warplanes on a funeral house

During a visit to Arhab district in Sana’a governorate President of the Supreme Political Council Saleh al-Sammad offered condolences to victims of the massacre commited by Saudi aggression warplanes on a funeral house in the district on Wednesday. The attack killed 8 women and children and injured ten other women. The President condemned the aggression and the complicity of the international community on the aggression against Yemen. He also denunced the international silence on the crimes commitedgainst civilians and asked to lift the blockade which affected negatively 25 million people.

Libyan High Council of State agrees to meet Libyan House of Representatives delegation in Cairo to reach a political settlement to the Libyan civil conflict

Members of Libya’s High Council of State have agreed to meet a delegation from the Libyan House of Representatives in Cairo as part of talks hosted by Egypt to reach a political settlement to the Libyan civil conflict, according to Egypt’s army spokesman. Egypt’s Army Chief of Staff Mahmoud Hegazi, who is mediating talks between Libyan factions, received on Thursday the delegation from Libya’s High Council of State with the attendance of Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry. Talks were held on Monday and Tuesday between the chairman of the Libyan Presidential Council Fayaz Al-Sarraj, who is based in the capital Tripoli in the west of the country and is recognised by the UN as the country’s president, and Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar and Parliament Speaker Aguila Saleh, who both represent the House of Representatives in eastern Libya’s Tobruk. Attendants of the meeting expressed their appreciation for the Egyptian role to reach a solution to the Libyan crisis, calling on Libya’s House of Representatives to make use of this opportunity to save the situation in the country. Over the past months, Cairo has held meetings with different Libyan political factions, where Egypt has stressed the need for a political consensus to end the crisis in the country.

Yildirim: nowhere in the world is safe, terrorism does not recognize borders

Speaking at the opening of the World Tourism Forum in Istanbul, Yildirim said the threat from terrorism was global. “If we are talking about security, nowhere in the world is safe… terrorism does not recognize borders” he said. “There is no place safe from terrorism. The fear and threat of terrorism is only useful to terrorists. “I say it proudly and confidently – Turkey is as safe as the United States, Istanbul is as safe as Paris, Ankara is as safe as Sarajevo, Izmir is as safe as Baku. Therefore, please do not let terrorism sabotage tourism”. The prime minister hailed those working in the tourism sector as “volunteer peace ambassadors”. A string of terror attacks across Turkey have threatened the country’s vital tourism industry, with the number of foreign visitors dropping from 36.8 million in 2014 to 25.4 million last year, according to the Culture and Tourism Ministry. However, Yildirim said Turkey aimed to attract 8 million more tourists in the first stage of a campaign to boost tourism earnings to $50 billion, unveiled by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last week. He also stressed the non-financial benefits of tourism. “It is insufficient to evaluate tourism only from an economic point of view” he said. “Tourism is beyond that. It is primarily the meeting of cultures, the meeting of civilizations

Talabani expressed concern that another similar to ISIS group could manifest in Iraq

Lahur Talabani, Director of the Kurdistan Region’s Protection and Information Agency, have said there were signs that ISIS was planning to shelter in the Hamrin Mountains in the northeast of Iraq. “It is a very tough terrain. It is very difficult for the Iraqi military to control” and “It’s a good hideout place and a place they could have access from province to province without getting detected”, he added. Talabani also expressed concern that another group similar to ISIS could manifest in Iraq if political leaders failed to secure reconciliation between sects: “… maybe not Daesh [ISIS], but another group will pop up under a different name, a different scale. We have to be really careful, These next few years will be very difficult for us, politically”. Lastly he have said that Iraqi forces have months of street-to-street and house-to-house fighting ahead of them before the western side of Mosul is regained from the militants.

After statement on agricultural products boycott supply, Chaded receives the UTAP President

Concerns of the agricultural sector are been discussed in a meeting this Thursday between Youssef Chaded, Chief of Government, and the President for Tunisian Unity of Agriculture and Fishery (UTAP). After this meeting they have decided to creat a commision 5 and 5 (Government and UTAP) wich will focus on important and vital issue, including irrigation water, milk price and agricultural extension. Meeting between these two leader comes after the statement by UTAP members to boycott the collection of agricultural products. According to UTAP Government has not honored its commitments, in addition of its lack of seriousness in the management of issue in this sector.

Assad: Liberating Raqqa isn't a Syrian government priority

Liberating Syria’s northern city of Raqqa, a Daesh stronghold, is not a top priority for the Syrian government, even though it is on the list of important objectives, Syrian President Bashar Assad said. He stressed that Raqqa is “no more than a symbol of the Islamic State [Daesh]”, and that “the IS [Daesh] is present everywhere” – near Damascus, in Palmyra, eastern Syria. Priorities are everywhere. And they depend on the military development. But for us everything is important — Raqqa, Idlib, Palmyra”, Assad told French radio station Europe1 in an interview published on Thursday.

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