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UNSC won't focus on Israel and Palestinian conflict under Nikki Haley Presidency

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For the first time in years, the United Nations Security Council will not focus its monthly open Middle East debate on Israel and the Palestinians, at least under the month-long presidency of US Ambassador Nikki Haley. The president of the Security Council, said that he would like to implement measures for peacekeeping reforms and broader human rights issues, despite the opposition of some member states. She intends to have the April 20 debate revolve around such issues as Iran’s support for terrorism, the Syrian crisis, Hezbollah and Hamas among others, Haley said on Monday. So much has been put toward Israel and the Palestinian Authority and not enough has been put toward some of these other issues. That is our goal for the Middle East open debate.

Syria to UN: Israel violated our territory

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Syria on Friday sent two letters to the U.N because they argue that Israel is violating the international law. In letters sent to the UN Secretary General and the President of the Security Council, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said that four Israeli warplanes violated Syrian airspace and targeted a military site in the eastern countryside of Homs province. Syria calls on the UN Secretary General and the President of the UNSC to condemn this blatant Israeli aggression, to force Israel to stop supporting terrorism in Syria, to implement all UNSC resolutions on counter-terrorism. The Israel’s Prime Minister said that he is trying to do everithing to prevent the transfer of advanced weapons. This flagrant attack is part of the Zionist enemy’s persistent efforts to support the terrorist gangs of ISIS”, the army said

The Syrian Ministry called on the UN and UNSC to force Turkey

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The Syrian Foreign Ministry called on the United Nations and UN Security Council (UNSC) to force Turkey to end its military invasion of the Northern part of the country and attacks on its civilians. The Syrian ministry in a letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the UNSC criticized repeated violation of Syria’s sovereignty. Damascus underlined that Turkey’s invasion and attacks on civilians in the Northern part of the country are in line with open enmity of Ankara against Syria in the last five years, pointing out Turkey’s military, financial and logistic supports for terrorist groups in Syria. The ministry went on to say that the Syrian government calls another time on the UNSC to shoulder it responsibility to maintain international peace and security and force Ankara to halt its attacks against Syria’s nation.

According to Pakistan, UNSC is not doing anything to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

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Pakistan has criticised UN Security Council’s inaction to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which it deems essential for peace and stability in the Middle East. Speaking in the General Assembly in the debate on “The Question of Palestine”, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Maleeha Lodhi said that inaction by the Security Council has not only undermined its own credibility but has also weakened the ideals that the organisation espouses. These, she said, includes ideals of human dignity, of peaceful coexistence based on sovereign equality of all nations and of the right to self-determination of all people.

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