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Food rations in Aleppo are almost ended

BreakingNews @en di

Aid workers in eastern Aleppo were distribuiting the last available food rations on Thursday as the quarter of a milion people besieged in the syrian city entered what is expected to be a cruel winter, U.N. humanitarian adviser Jan Engeland said. Speaking in Geneva, Egeland said he was hopeful of a deal on a four-part humanitarian plan the United Nations sent to all parties to the conflict several days ago. The plan covers delivery of food and medical supplies, medical evacuations and access for health workers. Syria’s government rejected a U.N. request to send aid to east Aleppo during November, but Egeland said he was confident that Damascus would give its permission if the new U.N. humanitarian initiative was accepted by all sides. He said he also had the clear impression that Russia would continue its pause in air strikes over the northern city.

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