European Commission: 31 March 2015, end of milk quotas

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Eu announced the imminent dairy quotas change because of global growing demand. This is “both a challenge and an opportunity for the Union”, EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Rural Development Phil Hogan said

After 21 years, the milk quotas will end on 31st March 2015. It was introduce in 1984 when Eu needed to stop the structural surplus cause by the overproduction compared with demand. Dairy quotas have been already reduced in 2008.

But today the global market has changed. And Europe wants to respond to global growing demand, like explained by EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Rural Development Phil Hogan: “It is a challenge because an entire generation of dairy farmers will have to live under completely new circumstances and volatility will surely accompany them along the road. But it certainly is an opportunity in terms of growth and jobs. Through increased focus on valued added products as well as on ingredients for “functional” food, the dairy sector has the potential of being an economic driver for the EU”.

Giacomo Pratali


Bookreporter Settembre

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