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Middle East railways vision plan drawn up at RAME summit.

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A vision plan for the current and future perspective of Middle East railways has been drawn up based on the activities of the Regional Assembly Middle East (RAME), CEO of the Railways of the Islamic Republic of Iran said Tuesday. “Vision plan for the ‘current status of Middle East railways, moving in the right direction’ has been drawn up with collective efforts from the RAME member states which introduces the current status of railways in RAME states as well as various railway projects currently under construction”, Abbas Nazari, CEO of the Railways of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said at the 19th RAME summit held in Tehran. Iranian as well as foreign companies from Russia, Germany, China, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, the Czech Republic, India and Slovenia are expected to participate in the exhibition that will put on display the latest technological achievements in rail and transportation industries, wagon construction and transportation services. RAME members are the railway administrations of Turkey (TCDD), Islamic Republic of Iran (RAI), Syria (CFS), Saudi Arabia (SRO), Jordan Aqaba Railways (ARQ), Iraq (IRR), Hejaz in Syria (CFH), NIROO RAIL Transport Co. and METRA Consulting Engineers Co. from Iran, and HIZTAZ Co. from Turkey. The RAME Chairmanship is performed by Turkey Railway (TCDD) and its vice-chairmanship is carried out by the railways of I.R. Iran (RAI) and Syria (CFS).


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