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CAR: outbreak of violence in Bangui

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BANGUI – At least 135 people have been injured in the worst outbreak of violence in years in the Central African Republic’s capital, aid agencies said on Friday, straining hospital trauma centres. At least 21 people died in clashes this week when United Nations peacekeepers and local security forces battled armed groups in Bangui’s PK5 neighbourhood – a Muslim enclave of the majority Christian city – over three days, a local official said. 

Medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said it had treated 83 people since the weekend at a hospital and a health centre, while the Red Cross said 52 injured had arrived at another hospital.It is the worst violence seen in the capital since 2015, said MSF’s operational manager William Hennequin.”We are worried to see such level of violence and the impact it could have outside Bangui,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. 

The head of U.N. peacekeeping said civilians killed were young people who had been “manipulated” and armed by criminal gangs to confront the peacekeepers and Central African Republic forces. 

Bria, at least 8 people taken hostage by some ex-Séléka

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BRIA – In Bria, in the Prefecture of Haute-Kotto (east), eight members of a mission of awareness on peace and social cohesion would be held in hostage by an ex-Seleka group since April 11, in reaction to the disorders which have broken out in Bangui. 

The information gathered by RNL state that the sub-prefect of Yalinga, Edmond Sacko, and the two major responsible for Bria’s town hall would be among the victims of this abduction. Other sources state that there are also agents of the international ONG Oxfam working in the region among the hostages. 

When the mission was returning to Bria, 12 members have been abducted by a general ex-seleka and its group; of these, 4 would have been released on April 12. In Bangui, neither Minusca neither the authorities have still reacted to this abduction. 

CAR: attack in Bangui

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BANGUI – The security situation was very confused in the night between Sunday 8 and Monday 9 April. Around 11:15 pm (local time), gunshot wounds were heard in the whole city. 

Soon there’ve been rumors among the citizens that that was an attempt of coup d’état against the residence of Faustin Archange Touadéra. Actually the headquarter of Egyptian and Jordanian peacekeepers (Campo Fidel) was attacked, which is found near the residence of the Head of the State.The attack lasted 30 minutes. The first hypothesis is that the assailants are the groups ex Seleka that responded to the operation Sukula, launched by Minusca in the PK5 on Sundays with the purpose to remove the groups of self-defence from the district, economic heart of the city. 

During this operation, three people have been killed and more than fifty wounds, among which a dozen of blue helmets. The Pk 5 is the neighborhood where the rebellion Seleka of Abdelaye Hissein started. The spokesman of Minusca, Vladimir Monteiro, was categorical: “the PK 5 will be cleaned up, the operation of Minusca will continue. The objective is to neutralize the gangs, these groups who call themselves vigilanteses but that are only criminals for us, people that live thanks to racket and extortion of money” 

CAR: 33 villager kidnapped by LRA rebels

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33 civil centrafricain has been abducted on Sunday near the city of Obo by the ugandan rebels of Lord Resistance Army (LRA). The abduction happened among 4:00 and 5:00 in the east of Obo’s area, in the tract to Bambouti, a border city near the South Sudan.
The rebels of the LRA have also ransacked the houses and burnt them; scared, many inhabitants of the village runned away in the brushwood.
In the same day in Obo, 15 other inhabitants of the village kidnapped have been released by LRA thanks, according to local sources, to a joined intervention of the Centrafrican army (FACA) and blue helmets of the mission U.N. In CAR Minsuca.

The LRA raids in the Prefecture of Mbomou, southeast of Central African Republic, has been at the basis for a joined operation for six years between the United States and Uganda to hunt down the leader of the LRA insurgents, Kony. Unsuccesfully until March 2017, the operation was abandoned.

15 LRA hostages freed by FACA at Haut-Mbomou


The rebels of the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) of Joseph Kony have seized, on 1st of April, about twenty people in the village of Koubou, 17 km from the city of Obo, in Haut-Mbomou. Known of the seize, government and Minusca have immediately started the search. The group LRA was caught by a joint force of FACA and Minusca in the forest; after a firefight, they were able to recover 15 hostages “, has said Angel Maxime Kazagui, minister of the Communication and spokesman of the government, during a press conference on Monday 2 of April.

The village was raided between the 5 and the 7 of the morning. Besides the hostages, the rebels have also emptied the barns of the village and taken away some non alimentary objects. The national and international security forces, with headquarters in Obo, have gone on the place to reassure the population. For fear of a new attack, many residents are heading for the city of Obo. LRA resurfaced in the last 3 months in south-oriental CAR.

Airport security: soon a multifunctional hall for the formation of the security forces of Central African Republic

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BANGUI – Little more than 50 years after the opening of the airport of Bangui Mi poko, the infrastructure no longer fulfils the requirements and the standards recquired by the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO). The challenges include the training of a personnel that operates in the airport perimeter; it is for winning this challenge that a training center will be built, the first one of this kind in Central African Republic, for police, customs and armed forces. The opening ceremony took place Friday March 23rd 2018, in the presence of Minister of the Transports, Theodore Jousso, the Commissioner of police component of MINUSCA, the brigadier general Roland Zamora, the airport Authorities and the officers of airport police. “The various assessments conducted from ICAO and from our partners of the civil aviation of CAR have underlined serious lacks in our safety systems. Today we have the challenge to adjourn our safety system to satisfy the requisite of the attached 17 of the Convention of Chicago about the international civil aviation “Minister of the transports has said The estimated cost of this project is 25 million francs CFA. Its purpose is to fight fraudulent actions against civil aviation, passport control, bomb and drugs sniffer, Control of passengers and baggages, etc.

CAR: About 40 dead following fightings between ex-Séleka and Anti-balaka

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BANGUI – The armed conflict between group ex-Seleka of the Unité pour la Paix en Centrafrique (UPC) and the groups Anti-Balaka in progress for Tuesday has caused until now the death of about 40 people according to the security sources.
According to different concordant relationships, the case was born from the murder of a young named Patrick by some members of the UPC since he would has been in contact with a leader Antibalaka. Anti-Balaka groups therefore, for revenge, installed a barrier in Tagbara, a village to 72 kilometers from Bambari on the axis Bria (center-north) and killed about ten UPC members.

Therefore the UPC reinforcements from Ippy and Maloum have massacred the civilians in many villages between Tagbara and Gotchele, 35 km from Bambari.

Anatole Ndémagouda-Gbagot, a congressman of Bambari, claimed “The whole population is in brushwoods without humanitarian assistance. Peacekeepers (Minusca) of Tagbara have protected only the mayor of the city”.

Gabon announces its retreat from the mission of the UN in CAR


BANGUI – Gabon has announced, on Thursday 8 March, his intention to withdraw his 450 soldiers from the mission of the United Nations in Central African Republic, Minusca, according to what brought by a relationship of the Council of ministers. Gabon, that has 444 soldiers unfolded in the Minusca, has participated in the strengths U.N. in CAR since 2014.

The soldiers of Gabon in CAR has been quoted in cases of accusations of sexual abuses. At the end of 2016, the gabonese government has announced the opening of investigations after the identification from the United Nations of fifteen soldiers suspected to have committed sexual violences in 2014 and in the 2015.
On Monday, the president of central Africa, Faustin-Archange Touadéra, has come to Libreville to discuss of the “bilateral cooperation” among the two countries.

“The United Nations respect the choice of the government of the Gabon; we have held some discussions on the withdrawal within a reasonable term” answered to AFP Herve Verhoosel manager of the communication of the mission of the United Nations in Bangui. Verhoosel has remembered that the appointment of States members in an operation of maintenance of the peace it is “a voluntary exercise” and that the contribution of the Gabon has been “very appreciated.”

Adama Dieng arrived in Bangui to analyze the situation of CAR


Adama Dieng, Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide for the UN, arrived today in Bangui and will analyze the situation of CAR for a week to fully understand if we can talk about genocide in CAR. Then, UN Secretary-General will be in Bangui from 24 to 27 October to intervene as a promoter of human dignity.


Human Rights Watch denounces use of sex slaves in conflict


Armed groups in the Central African Republic have used rape and sexual slavery as a tactic of war across the country during nearly five years of conflict, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The report named “They Said We Are Their Slaves”, Sexual Violence by Armed Groups in the Central African Republic, documents 305 cases of rape and sexual slavery carried out against 296 women and girls by members of armed groups. These groups are the Muslim Seleka and the Christian and animist militia Anti-balaka. It seems that they have used sexual violence as revenge for perceived support of those on the other side. The two main camps (Muslim Seleka militia and Christian anti-Balaka militias) used sexual violence.

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