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Airport security: soon a multifunctional hall for the formation of the security forces of Central African Republic

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BANGUI – Little more than 50 years after the opening of the airport of Bangui Mi poko, the infrastructure no longer fulfils the requirements and the standards recquired by the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO). The challenges include the training of a personnel that operates in the airport perimeter; it is for winning this challenge that a training center will be built, the first one of this kind in Central African Republic, for police, customs and armed forces. The opening ceremony took place Friday March 23rd 2018, in the presence of Minister of the Transports, Theodore Jousso, the Commissioner of police component of MINUSCA, the brigadier general Roland Zamora, the airport Authorities and the officers of airport police. “The various assessments conducted from ICAO and from our partners of the civil aviation of CAR have underlined serious lacks in our safety systems. Today we have the challenge to adjourn our safety system to satisfy the requisite of the attached 17 of the Convention of Chicago about the international civil aviation “Minister of the transports has said The estimated cost of this project is 25 million francs CFA. Its purpose is to fight fraudulent actions against civil aviation, passport control, bomb and drugs sniffer, Control of passengers and baggages, etc.


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