Geopolitical News from the modern world

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Maggio 2024

The Peace Summit in Switzerland Will Renew Food Securityin the World

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Russia’s full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine nullified allexisting norms of international law and agreements on peace andprotection of civilians and objects. Russia is waging the largestwar of the 21st century, the consequences of which can be felt farbeyond the borders of Ukraine and the European continent ingeneral.

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Ukraine needs air defense

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The Russians hit a hypermarket in Kharkiv with guided bombs, targeting a densely. populated residential area of the city. Currently, there are reports of 16 dead and 44 injured, with many people reported missing. A huge fire has engulfed the building materials hypermarket and all emergency services are working at the site. Considering that the attack occurred on a weekend, the number of victims may increase.

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Crocus attack, what are the relations between Russia and terrorist groups?

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On March 22, 2024, several terrorists started shooting and set fire to the building at Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, Moscow region. As a result of the terrorist attack, more than 140 people died. At that time, the Russian authorities did not prevent a terrorist attack, being warned by Western countries. As previously, Moscow did not allow international investigators to do their job.

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Moscow Is Trying to Disrupt and Discredit the Peace Summit in Switzerland

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The Global Peace Summit will take place on June 15-16, 2024 in Bürgenstock, Switzerland. About 100 states are planning itsparticipation; Russia has not been invited at the Summit. Heads of state and government of the EU countries, members of the G7, G20, BRICS, many other countries from all continents, three international organizations (UN, OSCE and Council of Europe) and two religious representatives (Vatican and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople) have already been invited.

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