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Bosnia Herzegovina: necessity to establish cooperation between BiH and EUROPOL

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Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina Dragan Mektić and Head of the Delegation of the European Union and EU Special Representative to BiH Lars-Gunnar Wigemark met to discuss the possible solutions for the establishment of full cooperation between BiH security institutions and EUROPOL. Minister Mektić pointed out that that the stumbling block that prevented a full cooperation has been the lack of agreement between the police agencies on the location of the joint contact point for cooperation with EUROPOL. Another block was provided by the opposition of the Republika Srpska Ministry of Interior to place headquarters in the Directorate for Coordination of the police bodies of BiH. Mektić further stated that BiH can no longer delay the establishment of cooperation with EUROPOL. Indeed, given the existence of a European Center for the Fight Against Terrorism, it is important for BiH security agencies to be able to exchange information. Minister Mektić emphasized that the security of the electoral process and voting must be improved too, in order to reduce the possibilities of manipulation and thereby restore citizens’ confidence in fair and democratic elections. 

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