Afghan villagers gathered around several victims' body who were killed during clashes between Taliban and Afghan security forces in Taliban's controlled village, Buz-e Kandahari village in Kunduz province, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, Friday, Nov. 4, 2016, Authorities say a joint raid by U.S. and Afghan forces targeting senior Taliban commanders killed two American service members and 26 civilians on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016. Afghan officials said they were still investigating the attack and its civilian casualties, some of which may have been caused by the airstrikes. (AP Photo/Najim Rahim)

Afghanistan: 96 insurgents killed


Afghan National Army (ANA) in collaboration with Afghan National Police (ANP) and National Directorate of Security (NDS) personal has killed at least 96 militants and wounded other within in past 24 hours. In Achin 21 Daesh fighters were killed; 24 insurgent killed and 9 others wounded in Ghazni; 15 Taliban insurgent were killed and 11 wounded in Badakhshan; 14 rebels killed and 17 wounded in Farah; 7 insurgent killed and 7 arrested in Helmand. Similar, 6 Taliban fighters were killed and 7 others wounded in Baghlan, 4 insurgents were killed and 3 others wounded in Kunduz, 2 militants killed and 1 wounded in Chora district of Urzgan, 2 insurgents killed in Shirzad district of Nangarhar and 1 Taliban fighter was killed in Qaisar district of Faryab.
ANA discovered and confiscated weapons and ammunition in the operations as well.

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