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The opening of negotiations closes the ‘abyss’ between Albania and the EU


The spirits of the “spiritual abyss” between Albania and Europe have always narrowed, but will be completely closed if Albania opens negotiations with the EU. Present at the Albanian Cultural Heritage – a Value on the European Way, at the Academy of Sciences, Prime Minister Edi Rama said that ” the expression Albanians used whenever they left the house was, is getting the road to Europe”. “This expression sums up the dream, hope and ambition of every man, every father, every boy who left home to take the road to Europe, to bring from there what the house could not have. So Albanians have lived for many centuries, to this day, on May 9, 2018, which we are talking about. With this dream, with this hope and ambition.

While the deep spiritual depth between them and Europe has come narrowing. But again today, being prime minister, it is a duty to see the bottom of the abyss, through the principles that built the United Europe. There is the shadow of the abyss when you speak to EU members. It’s fortunately a shadow of that abyss. Because the abyss is far more psychological than factual, since Albania has received historic support from the EU to open negotiations to eventually close the abyss.

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