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Germany supports Albania on the road to EU integration


“Albania can continue to support Germany’s support and support,” German State Minister for European Affairs at the German Foreign Ministry Michael Roth said in Tirana today. At a press conference after meeting with Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati, Roth stressed that “Albania’s path towards the European Union is difficult, but it is a road that is ultimately worthwhile and in the past years Albania has marked a number of achievements important. In the foreground are the achievements that have to do with the strengthening of the rule of law democracy system and its independence, “he underlined.

“The federal government is verifying all these achievements and in co-operation with the Bundestag we will be positioned in the future for the opening of these negotiations. The arguments for opening negotiations are certainly not lacking, the prospect of EU membership for all Western Balkan countries, and especially for Albania, is in the interest not only of Albania and Albanians, but in our own interest and we must explain this our citizens, “said Roth.Speaking of vetting, Roth stressed that “the vetting process is unique in character and serves as a model for Western Balkan countries.

The opening of negotiations closes the ‘abyss’ between Albania and the EU


The spirits of the “spiritual abyss” between Albania and Europe have always narrowed, but will be completely closed if Albania opens negotiations with the EU. Present at the Albanian Cultural Heritage – a Value on the European Way, at the Academy of Sciences, Prime Minister Edi Rama said that ” the expression Albanians used whenever they left the house was, is getting the road to Europe”. “This expression sums up the dream, hope and ambition of every man, every father, every boy who left home to take the road to Europe, to bring from there what the house could not have. So Albanians have lived for many centuries, to this day, on May 9, 2018, which we are talking about. With this dream, with this hope and ambition.

While the deep spiritual depth between them and Europe has come narrowing. But again today, being prime minister, it is a duty to see the bottom of the abyss, through the principles that built the United Europe. There is the shadow of the abyss when you speak to EU members. It’s fortunately a shadow of that abyss. Because the abyss is far more psychological than factual, since Albania has received historic support from the EU to open negotiations to eventually close the abyss.

Albanian Foreign Minister, “Together Towards European Union”


The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the EU Delegation to Albania held the Conference “Together Towards European Union: Recognizing Past Experience and Creating Partnerships for the Future”. The conference was conceived in two panels: “Recognizing past experience” and “Creating partnerships for the future”. In his speech, Minister Bushati underlined that for Albania, the European project is essentially a union project within itself. According to him, the European project is the project that the overwhelming majority of Albanians see as a project of peace, security and prosperity, but above all, they see it as a project of democratic governance for them. For the head of Albanian diplomacy, the European project coincides not only with the modernization and transformation of our society but also with the consolidation of our European identity as a nation

Albanian Prime Minister, “Public accountability comes as a necessity”


Public accountability comes as a necessity, as we do not rule in front of an opposition that brings alternatives, ideas and a program to protect the interests of citizens. So stated in Parliament on Thursday, Prime Minister Edi Rama, arguing the necessity of developing a public accountability campaign. In a country where democracy works, he said, we should have a majority ruling and an opposition that demands accountability to the Assembly. “We are not required to account but simply throwing stones, clay balls and all sorts of llozhrash collected in the entire space of the despair of this opposition,” said Rama. He assured that “the campaign of accountability will be a lasting constancy of each year of this mandate, because we have undertaken to govern with people and for people”.

“We have asked for a mandate to work in the country’s leadership without being accompanied by anyone and to govern in a coalition with people. The accountability campaign is also important for the fact that we should be as direct and eye-to-eye communicating with people without allowing this communication to be owned by agents of misery, all those with political mandate or media channels in available make the deformation, distortion and manipulation of our truths “, – said Rama.

Albanian Prime Minister, “The Vetting process will not be sufficient only with the removal of corrupt judges”


“The Vetting process will not be sufficient only with the removal of corrupt judges and prosecutors, as they will answer the law.” He said in a meeting of the SP National Assembly, Prime Minister Edi Rama, adding that there will then be a clean justice system that will act on politicians. “People see that all that true war on and and below and, to advance reform in justice, all that extreme confrontation with the tent in the middle of the boulevard to break Vetting’s path has not merely been worth it but has were just as we have shown,” Rama said.

The Palace of Justice is collapsing, the Prime Minister said, adding that “the corrupt people within the palace have no prosperity, and throughout this escalation of the process, those who have held up the Palace of Justice are leaving.” We have to explain, Rama said, that, these will not escape with that. “The cleansing of a justice system will not leave any of those who are leaving today, without recourse to tell where you found the money,” said the prime minister. To the general question of why Vetting did not start from the government and politicians, Prime Minister Rama replied that “this will make a purely justice system”.

Albanian foreign minister, “We are aware of the ‘tiredness of Europeanisation'”


Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati informed on Tuesday (April 26th) a small group of Brussels journalists about his country’s ambitions towards the EU, following the Commission’s proposal to start membership talks with Tirana and following Prime Minister Edi Rama’s visit to Berlin last Wednesday. The European Commission proposed on April 17 to open membership negotiations with Albania and Macedonia, in line with its new focus on Western Balkans integration.

The renewed interest in the region, which has made progress over the last year in resolving disagreements with its neighbors and undertaking a reform agenda, matched concerns about the growing interest of non-EU countries to gained a foothold there, in particular Russia and China. Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron told the European Parliament that he did not want further EU enlargement before the bloc would make the reforms, allowing it to function more successfully. In Berlin, Rama warned that Russia also aimed to radicalize the Muslims of Albania and urged the EU not to “leave room for filling in from other countries”.

The EC supports the opening of negotiations with Albania

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The European Commission will recommend that the European Union open membership negotiations with Albania and Macedonia, according to a first draft document by RadioFreeEurope and RadioLiberty. 

This document is part of the enlargement European Union package for enlargement to be published on April 17 in Strasbourg and which sets out how far non-EU Western Balkan countries and Turkey are on their way to European Union membership. The European Commission has recommended negotiations with Macedonia every year since 2009, but the European Union member countries in this council, particularly Greece, have blocked talks due to the name issue, which tensed relations between Athens and Skopje, since Macedonia was declared independent in 1991. Athens has opposed its northern neighbor in using the name Macedonia, claiming it implies territorial claims in its northern province of the same name. Also, the draft document confirms that the commission for the first time recommends the opening of Albania’s accession negotiations in the EU, which became an official EU candidate country in 2014. The document emphasizes that public administration reform has been consolidated, with the goal of increasing its professionalism and depoliticisation. He also adds that further action has been taken to strengthen the independence, efficiency and accountability of legal institutions, especially by advancing in the implementation of a comprehensive justice reform. 

Albania: the justice reform as a signal of progress

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Germany’s ambassador to Tirana, Susanne Schütz says that the successful implementation of the justice reform is an important signal, first of all for the people in Albania who want to see progress in the irreversible transformation of Albania over democracy and the rule of law in its road to EU membership. 

During a joint reception with the EU Delegation and the EU countries participating in the EURALIUS consortium – it is a European Union project for technical support to justice bodies aiming to approximate their operational capability to EU standards -, the German diplomat thanked the EURALIUS IV mission (European Assistance Mission to the Albanian Justice System). 

Finally the Ambassador voiced the conviction that the Vetting process is the key to overcoming the widespread corruption and a more effective fight against criminality in Albania. 

EU integration: the Balkans follow the example of Albania

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Successful reforms in Albania, highlighting justice reform in particular, make this country the best example for the countries in the region who want to advance on the path of integration. 

This is how the international politics and business magazine “IntelliNews” writes, which during the analysis of the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries states that the EU has received solid achievements in its reform efforts and progress on the path of membership. 

High Representative for Foreign Policy and European Commission Vice President Federica Mogherini are quoted as saying that “the EU needs this pro-European energy of Albania within the European Union”. 

Johannes Singhammer of the Christian Social Union (CSU) in Bavaria knows Albania very well. For years, Bavaria and CSU have been engaged with Albania since the country was first projected as a potential candidate for EU membership in 2000: he said that Albania is a secular country, where different religious communities live in harmony with one another. Finally he underlined that the country is a full member of NATO since 2009 and is now a consolidated part of the values of the Western community, adding that Albania is actively participating in security operations in line with the common foreign and security policy of the EU and currently has a presence in Mali and Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Albanian Minister of Economy, “No price increase, no cost for entrepreneurship”


Minister of Finance and Economy, Arben Ahmetaj said today that the inclusion in the VAT filing scheme for business running over 2 million Lek a year is not a new tax. During a media interview with the media in the process of informing small businesses included in the VAT filing scheme, Ahmetaj emphasized that by the end of December 2018 there will be no penalties for those businesses who have erroneously fulfilled the VAT declaration agency.

The Minister said that surveys were conducted all over Albania and the cost for business has been modest since the application of this scheme, so price increases are unjustified. He announced that there are 9900 small enterprises included in the declaration scheme, while 60 thousand businesses that make $ 2 million a year do not have the obligation to declare VAT.

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