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The creation of a regional economic zone (REA) starts the first steps


The creation of a Regional Economic Zone in the Balkans has begun to be concretized. The first step is the recognition of Authorized Economic Operators among CEFTA (Central European Free Trade Agreement) member countries, which will bring more convenience to trade exchanges between countries.

To discuss this plan, was held a meeting in Tirana attended by representatives of the dogaphorical administration of CEFTA member countries. General Director of Customs, Belinda Ikonomi, praised the organization of this meeting as a continuation of regional cooperation, in the framework of the engagement undertaken at the recent “Berlin Process” summit, held in Trieste in July 2017, where the Prime Ministers of the Balkan countries expressed strong determination to work together to create a Regional Economic Zone (REA).

Since the first pillar of the action plan for the further advancement of regional trade integration includes a number of actions aimed at accelerating cross-border procedure in accordance with the additional protocol of CEFTA, Ikonomi informed that in Albania this document has already passed on all parliamentary committees and is epected to be approved by the Parliament.

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