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Montenegro: €30 million loans from World Bank


The World Bank has approved a loan worth €30 million to finance the project of agricultural development MIDAS 2 that will increase the economic activity in rural areas as well as opening job positions. The final objective is that of improving the competitiveness of agriculture and fishery. The original project MIDAS started in 2009 has contributed to the reinforcement of institutions to provide support and services in the sectors of food safety, animal health, and rural development.

Japan: government to test safety of burying radioactive soil this spring


The government plans to conduct a demonstration project sometime this spring to test the safety of burying waste generated by decontamination work following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Environment Ministry said Wednesday. In the project, soil waste from eastern and northeastern areas of the country other than Fukushima Prefecture will be covered with uncontaminated soil at sites in the village of Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture, and the town of Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, with radioactivity levels around the locations being measured. The project will be carried out on the premises of the Tokai Research and Development Center’s Nuclear Science Research Institute in Tokai and at a public space in Nasu.

Balkan crises could be solved by the return of Yugoslavia


According to British journalist Neil Clark, the cause of the crises that are crossing the Balkans lately is not to be sought into Russian politics, but in the breakup of Yugoslavia. The latter, according to Clark, granted economic stability and safety to Balkan countries. A survey conducted in 2017 showed how most of the respondents from BiH, Montenegro, Serbia, and Macedonia considered the collapse of Yugoslavia as a negative event. Clark also affirms how, today, instead of an economically strong and stable country, there are a series of small and weak states. This situation can be solved only through the gradual reconstruction of a Yugoslav Federation.

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