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Palestinian Authority Applies for Entry Into Eight International Treaties at UN


Last week, the Palestinian Authority presented official requests to join eight international treaties, including the UN International Convention against Apartheid in Sport and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon said that the Palestinian Authority’s latest attempt to raise its status within the international community and de-legitimize Israel is part of the Palestinian violations of the obligations under the Oslo peace accords of 1993 with Israel. Membership in organizations such as these would provide the Palestinians with new opportunities to challenge Israel’s legitimacy and discredit the Jewish state on global spaces.

In April 2014, the PA requested accession to 15 international treaties and the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon accepted the entry of the Palestinians into 10 of the treaties as non-state members. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, after the official recognition of President Donald Trump of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, has promised to request entry into 22 international treaties, including 18 of the UN. The Palestinians have announced on several occasions that they have abandoned US-led peace negotiations, while attempting to obtain full UN membership, call for further Security Council resolutions (UNSC) and prosecute Israel to the Criminal International Tribunal (ICC).

Pro-Israel groups demonstrate outside of French consulate in Jerusalem


Dozens of protesters gathered outside the French consulate in Jerusalem to protest what they called France’s support for subversive activities against Israel. The demonstration, organized by the organizations Im Tirtzu and Israel Is Forever, was held following the accusation of two agents of the French Consulate accused of smuggling dozens of weapons from the Gaza Strip to Judea and Samaria. In addition, the participants called for the consulate to stop funding “anti-Israeli” radical NGOs working against Israel and accusing the IDF of war crimes. In recent years, the French consulate has channeled over 750,000 shekels ($ 215,000) to far-left Israeli NGOs, including “Breaking the Silence”, “B’Tselem” and “Yesh Din”.

Trump threatens to pull aid to Palestinians if they don’t pursue peace


U.S. President Donald Trump threatened on Thursday to withhold aid to the Palestinians if they did not pursue peace with Israel, saying they had snubbed the United States by not meeting Vice President Mike Pence during a recent visit.Trump, speaking after a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the World Economic Forum, said he wanted peace. However, his remarks could further frustrate the aim of reviving long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian talks. Palestinians shunned Pence’s visit to the region this month after Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and vowed to begin moving the U.S. embassy to the city, whose status is at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

U.S., EU discordant notes on Jerusalem underline Mideast policy rift


In a fresh display of Western discord over Middle East peace efforts, the United States said on Monday its Israel embassy would move to Jerusalem by the end of 2019, while its European Union allies voiced support for East Jerusalem as capital of a Palestinian state. Vice-President Mike Pence, visiting Jerusalem, announced the timing of the move in a speech to Israel’s parliament, earning applause from Israeli legislators but also stirring a brief protest by Israeli Arab lawmakers, who held signs reading “Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine”.

Lebanon: Berri urges ‘boycott’ of Trump administration


Nabih Berri, during the Conference of Islamic Parliaments in support of Jerusalem in Iran, renewed his appeal for the transfer of the Islamic embassies from Washington and for the boycott to the administration of President Donald Trump until the latter cancels the controversial recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He also called for the closure of all Israeli embassies in Arab and Islamic capitals and the annulment of the Oslo peace accords, which form the basis of relations between Palestinians and Israel Negotiations for a peace process in the words of Berri they should remain firm until there is a clear announcement that blocks the settlement process.

Angry Tunisia


The decision of the US administration to make the city of Jerusalem the capital has provoked disapproval among the international community and particularly among the public opinion in the Arab world. Tunisia was among the first Arab countries to have courageously expressed its refusal of this unilateral decision. Indeed, the head of state Beji Caid Essebsi decided this Friday, to invite the American ambassador to Tunis, Daniel H. Rubinstein, to inform him of the position of Tunisia regarding the decision of Donald Trump. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also denounced the decision a few minutes after its announcement. The Assembly of the representatives of the people adopted, Thursday, in plenary session a motion also condemning this decision. Tunisians for their part spontaneously mobilized to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people. Many national organizations and components of civil society have called on Tunisians to participate massively in protest movements against this decision in several forms of militancy, including the peaceful marches and the boycott of American products.

Tunisia condemns the American decision to make Jerusalem capital of Israel


In a statement released, the Foreign Ministry said Tunisia condemns the decision of the US administration to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel and its intention to transfer its embassy from Tel Aviv to the holy city stating that such decision represents an infringement of the city’s legal and historical status and a violation of United Nations resolutions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs added that this decision constitutes a serious threat to the peace process as well as to the efforts made to resume negotiations. He added that this provocative decision of the feelings of Muslims and Arabs could have a negative impact on the stability of the region. In this context, Tunisia has reaffirmed its support for the Palestinian cause while appealing to all the components of the international community to abstain from taking decisions representing any recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel recalling that this holy city is an inseparable part of the Palestinian territory under Israeli occupation since June 1967.

Trump promises to “give peace a shot” before moving US embassy to Jerusalem


Trump promises to “give peace to a chance” before moving the embassy to Jerusalem “If we can make peace between the Palestinians and Israel, I think it will ultimately lead to peace in the Middle East”, says the president of the United States, adding , on the time frame for the change of the embassy: “We are about to make a decision in the not too far future”.


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