Former Afghan intelligence chief against safe zones for Taliban

After Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s demands for the establishment of the safe zones for the Taliban, the former Afghan intelligence chief and leader of the Afghanistan Green Trend movement Amrullah Saleh reacted negatively in an online statement posted on his official Twitter account. He warned that the deal would create a national issue similar to Durand Line agreement. He underlined that the deal would mean that the Durand Line would further pushed to the gates of Kabul and the agreement will be similar as that of the Gandomak treaty. Speaking during a press conference in Kabul, the leader of Hezb-e-Islami pointed towards his recommendations for the safe zones for Taliban and said such zones should be created to help protect the Taliban group members and their families who are willing to join peace process. He rejected the notion that Hezb-e-Islami supports the handover of the control of certain provinces to Taliban.
However, the Taliban group has refused to partecipate in direct peace talks with the Afghan government and insists on direct talks with the US, even if the Afghan government prepared to identify the group as a political group if it refrains from insurgency and join peace talks.

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