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Angry Tunisia


The decision of the US administration to make the city of Jerusalem the capital has provoked disapproval among the international community and particularly among the public opinion in the Arab world. Tunisia was among the first Arab countries to have courageously expressed its refusal of this unilateral decision. Indeed, the head of state Beji Caid Essebsi decided this Friday, to invite the American ambassador to Tunis, Daniel H. Rubinstein, to inform him of the position of Tunisia regarding the decision of Donald Trump. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also denounced the decision a few minutes after its announcement. The Assembly of the representatives of the people adopted, Thursday, in plenary session a motion also condemning this decision. Tunisians for their part spontaneously mobilized to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people. Many national organizations and components of civil society have called on Tunisians to participate massively in protest movements against this decision in several forms of militancy, including the peaceful marches and the boycott of American products.

Hamas-Fatah reconciliation process shows growing Egyptian influence in region


Signs of reconciliation be-tween rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah would signal long-await-ed Palestinian unity, an end to Hamas’s isolation and im­proved humanitarian conditions in Gaza along with re- establishing Egypt as a force on the regional scene, experts said.“This would prove that Cairo still has leverage over the Pales­tinian file, something that was strongly contested by a number of regional powers”, said Egyptian MP Samir Ghattas.The deal would allow for Pales-tinian Authority control over the Rafah Crossing between Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip, resolve the problem of overdue salaries for thousands of admin-istrative workers in Gaza and re-store electricity supplies to Gaza. It would, necessarily, pave the way for legislative and presiden­tial elections in the Palestinian territories. However, despite Hamas’s an­nouncement and Abbas’s wel­come of the move, success hinges on complex issues related to pow­er-sharing. Similar previous rec-onciliation efforts, most recently in 2014, failed after disagreements over the details.

Condemnation not enough for Israeli violations against Palestinians


Saudi Arabia on Monday called on countries around the world to not just denounce Israel’s crimes and violations it commits in the occupied Palestinian territories but to exert more pressure to obligate it to end the occupation. The Kingdom stressed Israel’s accountability for its crimes against the Palestinian people and its violation of the principles of international legitimacy. Abdul Aziz Al-Wasil, Saudi Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, said his country considers the Israeli occupation “the longest occupation witnessed in modern history,” saying it caused the suffering of the Palestinian people who experience the consequences of this occupation and brutal aggression, and continuous violations of their human rights.

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