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Angry Tunisia


The decision of the US administration to make the city of Jerusalem the capital has provoked disapproval among the international community and particularly among the public opinion in the Arab world. Tunisia was among the first Arab countries to have courageously expressed its refusal of this unilateral decision. Indeed, the head of state Beji Caid Essebsi decided this Friday, to invite the American ambassador to Tunis, Daniel H. Rubinstein, to inform him of the position of Tunisia regarding the decision of Donald Trump. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also denounced the decision a few minutes after its announcement. The Assembly of the representatives of the people adopted, Thursday, in plenary session a motion also condemning this decision. Tunisians for their part spontaneously mobilized to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people. Many national organizations and components of civil society have called on Tunisians to participate massively in protest movements against this decision in several forms of militancy, including the peaceful marches and the boycott of American products.

Tunisia condemns the American decision to make Jerusalem capital of Israel


In a statement released, the Foreign Ministry said Tunisia condemns the decision of the US administration to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel and its intention to transfer its embassy from Tel Aviv to the holy city stating that such decision represents an infringement of the city’s legal and historical status and a violation of United Nations resolutions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs added that this decision constitutes a serious threat to the peace process as well as to the efforts made to resume negotiations. He added that this provocative decision of the feelings of Muslims and Arabs could have a negative impact on the stability of the region. In this context, Tunisia has reaffirmed its support for the Palestinian cause while appealing to all the components of the international community to abstain from taking decisions representing any recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel recalling that this holy city is an inseparable part of the Palestinian territory under Israeli occupation since June 1967.

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