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Arab world

Angry Tunisia


The decision of the US administration to make the city of Jerusalem the capital has provoked disapproval among the international community and particularly among the public opinion in the Arab world. Tunisia was among the first Arab countries to have courageously expressed its refusal of this unilateral decision. Indeed, the head of state Beji Caid Essebsi decided this Friday, to invite the American ambassador to Tunis, Daniel H. Rubinstein, to inform him of the position of Tunisia regarding the decision of Donald Trump. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also denounced the decision a few minutes after its announcement. The Assembly of the representatives of the people adopted, Thursday, in plenary session a motion also condemning this decision. Tunisians for their part spontaneously mobilized to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people. Many national organizations and components of civil society have called on Tunisians to participate massively in protest movements against this decision in several forms of militancy, including the peaceful marches and the boycott of American products.

Tunisia ranks 12th in the Arab world


At the global level, Tunisia ranks 117th out of 160 countries in terms of economic freedom. The first ones are Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, followed by Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Palestine, Oman, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt , Morocco, Djibouti, Mauritania, Comoros, Sudan, Iraq, Algeria, Libya and Syria, which took last place. The work of the second regional congress of economic freedom in the Arab world (Tunis, 25 and 26 November) was closed by the formulation of several recommendations. This Congress was also an opportunity to present the 12th report on economic freedom in the Arab world in 2017. Tunisia ranked 12th out of 22 Arab countries, but it has lost only one position compared to last year. This report was developed by the Canadian Frizer Institute, based on objective criteria – to measure the degree of economic freedom in each country considering the commercial law, protection of property rights, monetary policy, freedom of trade and the organization of commercial activity. The report presented at the congress included a set of recommendations on economic freedom to improve the index in some Arab countries suffering an economic deficit.

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