Tensions between Russia and Ukraine are renewed, this time in the Council of Europe

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The tension between Ukraine and Russia within the Council of Europe is growing regarding the composition of the new delegation sent from Moscow.

Russia was readmitted after a period of suspension, within the International Organization, which boasts the participation of 47 states, including 28 belonging to the European Union, with various observer countries, including the United States, Japan Canada and Mexico.

In recent years, Russia had been suspended from the Organization for violation of international law and the Council’s internal regulations. Moscow was readmitted to Congress during the summer of 2019.

As soon as the Kremlin was readmitted, controversy broke out again between Ukraine and Russia, this time due to the formation of the Russian delegates chosen to represent Moscow in the Council of Europe.

Kiev pointed out that the preference has ended on candidates who have previously had propaganda experience in bringing to light the alleged violations suffered by the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. Transgressions that the Ukrainian government has always strongly denied.

Another point that increases Kiev’s protests even further is the role that Crimea played within the choice of the Russian delegation and whether some of its representatives could be part of it.

All this makes the tone between the two Eastern European countries even more severe, making it possible to tell Ukraine if the Crimean votes were used for counting in the choice of representation of Moscow, or if some inhabitants of the penis will be part of it would represent for Kiev a clear violation of international law.

All these serious issues will be raised by Ukraine during the Council of Europe Parliament’s winter session to be held in Strasbourg from 27 to 31 January 2020.

These these issues will be dealt with in depth, hoping for a peaceful and complete resolution.

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