PNP chief makes surprise visit to QCPD, orders drug test

Barely a week before the Holy Week break, Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Director General Ronald Dela Rosa made a surprise inspection and ordered a random drug test Friday on personnel of the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) headquarters in Camp Karingal. Dela Rosa said the suprise inspection was to ensure that all QCPD personnel are accounted for. The Chief PNP also called the attention of those policemen who had no firearm, citing the importance of the use of firearms especially when confronted by criminals. “Whether you like it or not, you are a policeman 24/7. You are policemen every minute of the day and every hour of the day. So you should not be lazy in carrying a firearm. You must be ready to respond to any emergency,” he added. A total of 668 underwent the random drug test facilitated by the QCPD Crime Laboratory. The District Personnel and Human Resource Development Division (DPHRDD) said that out of the 5,157 uniformed and non-uniformed personnel, 4, 829 personnel attended the accounting; and 285 are on leave, undergoing schooling, suspended/sick, AWOL, detained and detailed to other PNP units.

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