Davos meeting between Zaev and Tsipras, of historic importance


In an interview with Greek newspaper Khatimerini, Matthew Nimetz, the special envoy for the name issue, stated that the Davos meeting between Prime Ministers Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras is positive and of historic importance. He expressed optimism with regards to find a mutually acceptable solution, thanks to international community cooperation, and the coordination with the UN, US as well as UE. “It’s time that talks are intensified as regards the conditions for a final agreement while treating with caution the issues raised by the two premiers. I’m coming to Athens and Skopje for talks in order to accelerate the process. I believe now there’s a dynamic to find a solution”, declared Nimetz. As Khatimerini reports, Nimetz has proposed the wide use of the new name only once Macedonia integration process into the EU is concluded.  Before that, the new name can be used on the international stage.

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