After the release of the report that denounced the critical situation in Gaza, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said that if Hamas had invested the 260 million dollars spent in tunnels of terror and missiles on its water and sanitation systems, the Gaza Strip it would be in a much better situation. On the contrary, it appears that Hamas has continued to try to build tunnels and test rockets, including three missiles launched overnight in the Mediterranean Sea. The best way to solve the humanitarian situation in Gaza is that Hamas stops spending money on the war and killing people and instead invests in the development of Gaza. Liberman went on to denounce Iran for providing Hamas and Islamic Jihad with $ 100 million a year for terrorism. To counter the terrorism of these actors, Israel has a six-point strategic plan that includes: the return of missing soldiers and prisoners, the destruction of all the terror tunnels by the end of the year, the completion of an underground barrier between Israel and Gaza, the response to all rockets and mortar fire, the strengthening of communities on the outskirts of Gaza and the demilitarization and restabilization of Gaza.
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