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Russian diplomat comments on Moscow-Washington relations


Relations between Moscow and Washington have entered a period reminiscent of the Cold War era, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Tuesday, addressing a meeting of the Russian Public Council for International Cooperation and Public Diplomacy dubbed Russia and the US: Problems and Prospects for the Development of Bilateral Relations. “We [Russia and the US] have probably entered a period, which is in many ways reminiscent of the Cold War era”, the senior Russian diplomat said. “The level of negative attitude towards Russia and the deliberate spread of anti-Russian sentiment, particularly in the media, causes concern”, he added. “It is like a tsunami wave that has swept across America, and we need to figure out how it happened that these ideas managed to penetrated US society so deeply,” the Russian deputy foreign minister pointed out. “All the opinion polls show similar results on this matter, but, frankly speaking, not many polls have been conducted”, Ryabkov added.


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