Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj has shown Kosovo’s readiness to repatriate Kosovars who were recruited and went to the wars in Syria and Iraq alongside terrorist organizations.”Kosovo is the homeland of all and we are ready to repatriate all those willing to return,” he said. “Kosovo takes responsibility to ensure everyone’s life.” Haradinaj made this comment during the presentation of the UNDP report ‘Understanding pull and push factors in Kosovo; primary interviews with returned foreign fighters and their families.’ Haradinaj said the extremist religious ideologies in Kosovo spread as a result of “opening of Kosovo” after the end of the war but now Kosovars have learned the effects of extremist ideologies. The report includes interviews with those convicted by Kosovo courts for participation in foreign wars and their family members. Alessandra Roccasalvo from the UNDP said that Kosovo will face challenges at a time when Kosovar fighters will start returning from wars.
Iraqi pro-govt troops says on high alert ahead of parliamentary elections
The pro-government paramilitary troops have announced repulsing a terrorist scheme by Islamic State to target the