Russian diplomat warns an apocalyptic outcome of North Korean crisis


A Russian deputy foreign minister has said that the current nuclear-missile crisis on the Korean Peninsula could end in an “apocalyptic scenario” and called upon direct talks between Washington and Pyongyang to prevent that outcome. “To my regret, I have to say that there is an apocalyptic scenario for the development of events in this region. I hope that the regional community will have enough common sense to prevent this scenario from becoming a reality,” Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov said on Monday at a session of the Valdai discussion club in Seoul, South Korea. He also called upon senior officials in South Korea and the United States “to exhale” and start talks with North Korea over increasing tensions. “Since September 15, Pyongyang has not conducted any test launches. If the restraint that Pyongyang has been demonstrating over the past two months was met with proportionate response steps on the part of the United States and its allies, it would be possible to start the second stage of our roadmap plan and start direct talks between the United States and North Korea,” he said.

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