BEIJING, CHINA - MARCH 16: Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) with Saudi Arabia's king Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud attend the Road to the Arab Republic - the closing ceremony of the artifacts unearthed in Saudi Arabia at China National Museum on March 16, 2017 in Beijing, China. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Pool/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Xi Jinping;Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud /// 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

China supports Saudi Arabia amid regional tensions


China supports Saudi Arabia’s efforts to safeguard national sovereignty and achieve greater development, President Xi Jinping told Saudi Arabia’s King Salman, at a time of regional tensions between Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lebanon and Yemen. China has traditionally played little role in Middle East conflicts or diplomacy, despite its reliance on the region for oil. But it has been trying to raise its profile, with Salman visiting China in March. Speaking by telephone, Xi told Salman that China’s determination to deepen strategic cooperation with Saudi Arabia will not waver, no matter how the international and regional situation changes, China’s Foreign Ministry said late on Thursday. Remarking on the importance of maintaining close communication between the two countries’ heads of state, Xi said China and Saudi Arabia are comprehensive strategic partners whose strategic mutual trust is deepening.

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