China’s state media blasts US handling of North Korea crisi


China has shown its deepening frustration over the North Korean missile test crisis, with a commentary in the state-run People’s Daily blaming the United States for hindering efforts to resolve the issue. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has called on all nations to take fresh measures against North Korea after another missile over Japan last Friday, the second weapons test in three weeks. The People’s Daily commentary said: Tillerson had unfairly targeted China as it was the biggest oil provider to North Korea and Russia as it hired the largest number of North Korea labourers. Negotiation should be the key to resolving the crisis, it added: “China would never support a nuclear armed North Korea, but the US, Japan and South Korea should not disrupt the regional situation either”. China and Russia backed the resolution drafted by the US, which included a ban on textile exports and restricting oil product shipments. However, an oil pipeline between China and North Korea that provides almost 90 per cent of crude oil to Pyongyang was excluded from the sanctions.

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