In a statement Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabbeah, head of King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid, said the Kingdom is among the top 10 countries in the worls for the volume and the value of aid provided. He also added that the center developed partnerships with international agencies to help Yemen, Djibouti and Ethiopia; in particular in Yemen it provided relief assistance worth $584.4 million. Moreover the center has started on working on two more projects: one to tackle malnutrition among children and pregnant women and another one to provide water supplies in 15 Yemeni governorates. The total number of projects directed at Yemeni citizens has reached 123 and between them 44 are food, security and shelter projects, while 16 are related to education, family protection and early recovery programs.
King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid: Saudi Arabia provides $584.4 million relief assistance to Yemenis
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