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President calls for huge voter participation in May 19 elections.

BreakingNews @en di

President Hassan Rouhani called on the Iranian people to maintain an outstanding participation in the upcoming May 19 presidential and city council elections. President Rouhani made the remarks in an inaugural ceremony held for introducing 43 development and infrastructural projects in the northern province of Mazandaran. “We are now in a critical situation and we should show our unity and power to the world”, the President said. Rouhani urged respecting ethics and upholding moral values in the election campaigns and said that the angels of ethics and peace should not be victimized. “The election campaigns in Iran are different from the similar campaigns in the European or American countries because we are living in an Islamic country under the umbrella of Velayat-e Faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist), the Founder of Islamic Republic and we remain to abide by the Constitution”, the President said.

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