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Pakistan reiterates opposition to treaty banning production of fissile material for nukes

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At the UN, Pakistan reiterated its opposition to any fissile material cut off treaty that discriminated between different  nuclear weapon states and did not ensure equal and undiminished security to all states. Speaking in the Informal Consultative Meeting called by the Chairperson of the High-level Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) Expert Preparatory Group,  Yasar Ammar, Counsellor at Pakistan’s Mission to the UN, argued that a universally acceptable fissile material treaty would have to avoid discrimination between the different nuclear weapons possessing states. “There should be no preferential treatment for any country in terms of existing stocks. The treaty should lead to equal and undiminished security for all states”, he added.

Incentives won’t push North Korea to give up nuclear weapons

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SEOUL, Feb. 9 (Yonhap) — An incentive-oriented approach won’t help the world reach its goal of getting North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons, a high-profile defector who served Pyongyang said Thursday. “We should not think that giving incentives to North Korea will help resolve Pyongyang’s nuclear issue,” Thae Yong-ho, a former diplomat who arrived in South Korea last year, told a forum in Seoul. He was at the gathering as a panelist, a first for him since his defection. Thae said that no matter how appealing incentives are, North Korea will not accept them if Pyongyang judges they do not benefit the one-man rule of its leader Kim Jong-un.

Japan-sponsored resolution calling for abolition of nuclear weapons adopted by UN General Assembly

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A Japan-sponsored resolution calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons was formally adopted on Monday by the U.N. General Assembly, marking the 23rd time it has been endorsed by a wide majority of member states. The passage in a plenary vote followed the nonbinding motion’s approval by the assembly’s First Committee on disarmament and security issues in late October. The resolution was backed by 167 countries, including the United States, with four — China, North Korea, Russia and Syria — voting against and 17 including Britain and France abstaining.

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