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Nigerian President Mahamadou Issoufou will not run for a third term.

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Mohamadou Issoufou, Niger President, assured that he will not modify the Constitution to run for a third term at the end of his second five-year term in 2021. “One of my biggest ambitions” President said “is to organize in 2021 free and trasparent elections and to pass the baton to someone Nigerian inhabitants will have chosen”. The Constitution of Niger limits the President’s term to two five years terms. Issoufou was elected a second time in March 2016, according to the Stateman: “Niger needs strong democratic institutions: it means that democratis alternation in necessary”. If He will keep his promises, Issoufoy will be the first president democratically elected to assure a peaceful alternation. His precedessor Mamadou Tandja had been knocked down by a military  takeover because he tried to modify the Constitution in order to remain at the end of his two five years terms. Niger has so far never know a real democratic alternance since its independence in 1960.

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