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ISIS executes 7 civilians in Raqqa, abducts dozens to use them as human shields.

BreakingNews @en di

The self-proclaimed Islamic State group  executed 7 civilians in one of the northern rural villages in Raqqa, for trying to flee the IS-held areas, while abducted others to use them as human shields. Sources told Bas News that the Islamic State militants, who are stationed in Manzl village (25 km north of Raqqa) executed, today, seven civilians for trying to flee the IS-held areas. The Islamic State group also abducted dozens of the village’s residents, in order to use them as human shields, while withdrawing from the village to avoid the coalition air strikes, they added. Meanwhile, reports revealed that many wounded were found inside the village, after the exit of the Islamic State militants from the village, and they were transferred to the hospitals of Girê sipî (Tel Abiad).

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