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Council of Europe

ODGP says th Council of Europe will support Tunisia in adapting laws to the Constitution

Director of the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes (ODGP) at the Council of Europe Verena Taylor asserted the council’s willingness to support the Ministry of Relations with the Constitutional Authorities, Civil Society and Human Rights in adapting laws to the Constitution. At her meeting Tuesday in Tunis with Minister of Relations with the Constitutional Authorities, Civil Society and Human Rights Mehdi Ben Gharbia, she expressed the Council’s commitment to support conducting studies on the reality of parties and minorities in Tunisia. “The Venice Commission is also willing to give its opinion on draft laws on constitutional authorities under preparation,” she added.

Russian Foreign minister Lavrov pushes to ensure compliance with the Minsk Accords

BreakingNews @en di

Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minitser, during a press conference following talks with his Cypriot counterpart Ionannis Kasoulidis in Moscow, affirmed that the Council of Europe must ensure strict compliance with the Minsk Accords’ originally approved version. Lavrov said that Russia believes it is important to prevent Council of Europe from sliding towards double standards and he described the Council of Europe as an important humanitarian pillar of European architecture. On the 23rd of November, Cyprus will take over the Council of Europe presidency, according to Ioannis Kasoulidis, the Council of Europe is ready to cooperate with Russia which is very important for this agency.

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