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border between Mexico and US

The latest proposal of the Department for the US National Security: separate families who try to cross the border Mexican

BreakingNews @en di

The latest proposal of the Department for the US National Security regarding the repatriation of Mexican illegal immigrants is to separate families who try to cross the border. This idea is due to the current American legislation does not allow the authorities to hold in custody for a long period, families with children, the new proposal provides for the repatriation of the parents and the custody of children to the Department of Health and Humanitarian Services.

Leader of Morena Party will occupy border between US and Mexico, if Trump builds the wall

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, leader of Morena Party, said that he is ready to occupy the border between the US and Mexico if Trump should effectively proceed with the construction of the wall. Obrador presents itself as a defender of the right to employment of Mexican citizens but also as a defender of the free trade agreament between Mexico and the US, also Obrador seems to want to mobilize the international public opinion coming to hypothesize that the construction of the wall would constitute a violation of fundamental human rights.

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