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Confirm detention of missing Palestinians.

BreakingNews @en di

According to a Human Right Watch (HRW)’s letter to Egyptian Interior Minister, Magdy Ab al-Ghaffar, they detained 4 Palestinians since more than 20 months in Egyptian prisons, without reasons. Based on media reports, including photographs purporting to show two of the men in a Cairo detention facility, the families believe they are in Egyptian custody. If true, their prolonged incommunicado detention, with Egyptian authorities denying knowledge of the detention or refusing to reveal their whereabouts, would constitute enforced disappearances. Four men have crossed the Egyptian border in 2015, they wanted to join Turkey, to of them to study, two others for medical cares. HRW urged Egypt to take a decision on these men, condemns them if there are guilty, or release them. “Under international law, a country’s refusal to acknowledge that a person has been detained or to reveal a person’s whereabouts or fate following detention or arrest by government forces, placing the detainee outside the protection of the law, is an enforced disappearance. Enforced disappearance violates many of the rights guaranteed under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Egypt ratified in 1982, including the requirement to bring detainees promptly before a judge” recalled HWR. So this situation could also be the origin of torture against prisoners.

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