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Giugno 2017 - page 4

Clashes reignite in Zawia as both sides reinforce

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Zawia settled into an uneasy calm today after clashes reignited last night between rival Ahneish and Khadrawi militias in the centre of the town. However, despite attempts by tribal elders to mediate a ceasefire, there are fears of fresh fighting. Both sides have been bringing in reinforcements in the expectation of a major battle. The tension was sparked by the murder of one of the Ahneish commanders in a hail of bullets early on Sunday morning. In the subsequent fighting, Ibrahim Ahneish, the clan’s chief military leader, was also killed. He has now been replaced by Mahmoud Bilghait, but the Ahneish want revenge. There has been talk of them planning to take over the entire centre of the town.

Bulgarian PM Borissov Confers with French President Macron

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Prime Minister Boyko Borissov conferred in Paris on Tuesday with newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace. The Bulgarian Prime Minister voiced hope that Macron, with his youth, energy and experience as finance minister, will pull forward a strong and united Europe. “I believe we had a good conversation about current EU topics, as well as ones related to our EU Council Presidency”, Borissov said. He noted Bulgaria’s efforts for entering “the Eurozone waiting room” and its Schengen accession. “The efforts we have made regarding the migration topic, financial discipline and public finances have been recognized, as well as the reforms we have conducted”, he added. According to the Prime Minister, Bulgaria can be seen as a periphery only in geographical terms, because this country is important for the EU’s integrity, unity, protection and defence. Prime Minister Borissov and President Macron noted the importance to further develop bilateral relations between the two countries, as well as the opportunity to implement joint projects.


Virtual Flag 2017, addestramento interforze per la Difesa Italiana

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Prenderà il via il 10 giugno a Poggio Renatico (Ferrara) la Virtual Flag 2017, la prima di una serie di esercitazioni interforze che fanno parte della Joint Stars 2017 (JS17), il maggiore evento addestrativo dell’anno per la Difesa.

La JS17, che è organizzata dal Comando Operativo di vertice Interforze (COI), sarà infatti costituita da una rete di esercitazioni che saranno condotte tra giugno e ottobre in varie parti del territorio nazionale e saranno basate su un unico scenario fittizio caratterizzato da un’operazione interforze e multinazionale di risposta ad una situazione di crisi condotta sotto guida italiana.

La JS17 si articolerà in due parti principali: la prima sarà costituita dalla VF17, che si svolgerà dal 10 al 15 giugno e sarà un’esercitazione che, grazie all’utilizzo di sistemi di simulazione di alta tecnologia, consente di addestrare il personale alla pianificazione e alla conduzione di operazioni aeree senza l’impiego di velivoli; la seconda parte, in programma tra settembre e ottobre 2017, sarà costituita dalla combinazione di varie esercitazioni prevalentemente di tipo “LIVEX”, cioè con impiego di assetti reali.

La VF17 è organizzata dall’Aeronautica Militare e vede anche la partecipazione di personale e assetti del COI, dell’Esercito Italiano e della Marina Militare. Essa si svolgerà principalmente all’interno di una struttura campale esistente presso il Comando Operazioni Aeree di Poggio Renatico (Ferrara), alla quale saranno connessi diversi Reparti operativi delle Forze Armate partecipanti.

L’esercitazione rappresenta un’importante tappa del processo di consolidamento della capacità nazionale, già certificata a livello NATO, di esprimere un Comando di componente aerea (Italian Joint Force Air Component – ITA JFAC) in grado di pianificare, coordinare e controllare tutti gli aspetti di una campagna aerea. In questa edizione, l’ITA JFAC si addestrerà a ricoprire il ruolo di Joint Task Force, cioè il Comando interforze che coordina tutte le forze militari nel caso di un’operazione a prevalente connotazione aerea.

Due le principali novità della VF17. In primo luogo, l’esercitazione includerà anche un addestramento sul Comando e Controllo nel campo della difesa missilistica (Theatre Ballistic Missile Defense – TBMD), con il rischieramento a livello tattico di comandi e unità operative delle tre Forze Armate: un sistema missilistico SAMP/T dell’Esercito Italiano, un’unità navale classe Orizzonte/FREMM della Marina Militare (o, in alternativa, il Centro Campione di MARICENPROG) e un sensore radar AN/TPS-77 dell’Aeronautica Militare. In secondo luogo, nello scenario fittizio saranno anche previste minacce cyber, cioè attacchi rivolti alla rete informatica utilizzata per condurre le operazioni militari.

Esercitazioni come la VF17 costituiscono una preziosa opportunità per integrare a livello interforze le capacità delle singole Forze Armate nel campo della raccolta e condivisione delle informazioni, un’attività che ha sempre avuto un ruolo cruciale nelle operazioni militari, ed oggi ancora di più nell’era dei big data. A ciò si aggiunga che nella VF17, grazie all’uso di sofisticate piattaforme di Modeling & Simulation, il personale militare avrà la possibilità di addestrarsi ad operare in scenari di crisi in modo del tutto verosimile a quanto accade in un’attività operativa reale, con il vantaggio di un minor impatto sul territorio e di un significativo contenimento delle risorse finanziarie necessarie.

La JS17 è la prima esercitazione nazionale in cui si realizza una piena connessione tra eventi addestrativi delle singole Forze Armate, con significativi benefici in vari campi, quali condividere le risorse, promuovere l’interoperabilità, sviluppare capacità connesse all’impiego operativo delle forze e mantenere collegamenti a livello nazionale.

India and China for a news Leadership on the Climate?

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The world is changing rapidly. Until not long ago, the United States of Barack Obama, in the role of the virtuoses, pressed on India and China, the “big polluters”, to renew their environmental policies and join the ranks of countries engaged in combating climate change. The Paris COP 21 agreement, which was signed in 2015 by all the major players in the game, had, despite the many downward compromises, represented a favorable outcome for environmental issues and a success of the American democratic administration.

Less than two years later, Trump is ready to get out of the agreement, and India and China are willing to lead the fight against pollution, without saving sharp criticism to the new presidency’ choices.

None of the two countries, however, seems to be ready to assume a real leadership in the fight against global warming and fill the void that will inevitably be left by USA discharge.

The two Asian governments are gradually taking on more strong positions, on the public level as well, against fossil fuels, as their respective populations are going to directly suffer, more and more, from the adverse effects of climate change and poisoning of natural resources. Beyond reassuring positions, China and India are, at least for now, unable to offset the strong weakening of the economic incentive system the US offered to developing countries in exchange for a greater control over their levels of pollution.

The change of route in Asia is, however, evident and should not be underestimated. For decades, the governments of India and China had looked with suspicion and annoyance at the appeals of the first world countries for a reduction in polluting emissions. The countries which have based their development on wild industrialization without posing too much doubts about the climatic consequences, asked the poorer countries to limit their growth capabilities to preserve the health of the planet. What pulp came from the sermon?

Today, however, both Indian President Modi and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping seem to have adopted a different vision of the world. Modi called a “morally criminal act” to not stick to the commitments assumed on the climate front. Jinping addressed all signatories to the COP 21, recalling that it represents “a responsibility we must assume for future generations”.

Trump’s choice could have dramatic consequences for that same future. In addition to the reduction in economic incentives and technological equipment supplies (the US alone would have to contribute for about 20% of the total), American withdrawal could entice other countries to do the same. The Paris agreement, moreover, had been considered by many to be a downward result, unable to effectively contain global warming in the coming years. There would be much more substantial emissions cutbacks in order to reverse the route, but the American turnaround may also weaken the current deal, encouraging more hesitant states to loosen the ties of their engagement.

The United States is also the second most polluting country in the world, and with the Paris agreement they pledged to reduce 26 to 28% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. Without their contribution, experts are asking, will it be possible to meet the objective of limiting the rise in temperature, compared to the pre-industrial era, below the two degrees, as established by the Paris Agreement?

It’s hard to say, but things are neverthless moving. If India is committed to meeting its objectives, despite the fact that 240 million people in the sub-continent still have no access to electricity, China seems to have rapidly traveled to its commitments and started a financing project on the renewable energies ($ 360 million by 2020) that makes the Asian giant the new industry leader, globally.

New environmental policies, according to scholars, have already begun to have some tangible consequences in the two countries. China has slowed down its consumption of carbon and India is about to reduce its construction projects for new coal-fired power plants. New Deli then accelerated investments in wind and solar energy, moving to the target set for 2022: to bring its capacity from renewable sources to 175 gigawatts.

The words of Indian Energy Minister Piyush Goya sound clear and strong: “We are not addressing climate change because somebody told us to do it, it is an article of faith for this government .”

The jibe for the most industrialized countries is also a paradigm shift: “Sadly the developed world does not show the same commitment to fulfill their promises, which could help speed up the clean energy revolution .”

Will the Asian powers therefore be able to fill in the American shortages and load this revolution on their shoulders? The commitment is evident but the economic problem remains. American leadership on the environmental front, in the Obama era, was expressed through a $ 3 billion loan in favor of the poorest countries to support them in the development of alternative energies. This fund has been reduced by two-thirds by Trump and neither Beijing nor New Delhi intend to put all this money on the table. Rather, the two giants seem willing to play a coordinating and addressing role, strengthening the sharing of technology-based knowledge among the nations involved.

Using the words of Varad Pande, an ex-consultant at the Indian Ministry of Energy, the one that is being built todaywill be a different flavor of leadership“.

Intense and spicy, hopefully, like curry.

Tunisia, Palestine sign two co-operation agreements

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Tunisia and Palestine signed two cooperation agreements on Monday, with the presence of Tunisian Foreign Minister Khemaies Jhinaoui and his Palestinian counter- part Riyad Al-Maliki. The first agreements speak about the creation of a joint commission, while the second preview a strengthening partnership between the technical cooperation agencies. Foreign Minister said that the first agreement has the aim to establish a strong cooperation between the two Countries, while the second wants to prospect new opportunities for cooperation with other parties. Khemaies Jhinaoui said that the visit wants to improve bilateral relationship, in light of the visit the Palestinian President will soon make to Tunisia, and he added, during  the visit, that Tunisia is close to the Palestinian people who has the right to establish an independent State.

Threat of Chemical Weapons-Related Provocations in Syria Still Remains

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The threat of provocations related to use of chemical weapons in Syria still remains, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday, adding that terrorists might possess toxic substances. “There was repeated information about possible provocations with usage of toxic substances. And, of course, making it public was likely to help to avoid such provocations”, Peskov added. On Friday, Putin said at the International Economic Forum in Russia’s St. Petersburg (SPIEF) that Russia foiled planned chemical attacks’ reiteration on the Syrian territory by making public the intelligence data on the plot in early May. The Russia leader also refuted the reports of Syrian President Bashar Assad having stockpiles of toxic substances, and people having allegedly suffered from the chemical weapons and called them a “provocation”.


Vucic responded to Thaci's "provocation"

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After the Kosovo president addressed the gathering and said, among other things, that Serbia is “not ready for the EU because it does not recognize Kosovo”. Thaci also repeated a statement he made in during an interview last week – namely, that he “cannot imaging the EU accepting Serbia as a member before Kosovo.” But “You got your independence after NATO’s aggression, without a referendum, and not everyone has recognized you”, Vucic told Thaci according to the report, and continued: “Five EU countries have still not recognized you. You are not an independent state to us. And you are not listening what Serbia is saying, and say that we don’t have a European approach because we won’t recognize Kosovo. Unlike you who are making that person a candidate for prime minister… I said it in the assembly that Serbia must give up on its myths, for the sake of the future of not only Serbs, but also Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija”. “Your problem is that you don’t even know how to accept an extended hand. I see a coordinated campaign of people from the US Congress and your extremists. If you had 30 percent of Albanians, one stone upon another would not be left in Montenegro, while we never asked anything from them. Find me someone in the region who wills talk to Haradinaj without a lump in their throat. So much for democracy”, concluded Vucic.

Guardian: In addition to Montenegro, Russia stoking discord in Macedonia

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The documents obtained by the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) suggests that Russia has played a very invasive role in the countries of former Yugoslavia, also to prevent them from being too involved in the gravitational orbit of NATO. The Guardian also comes to very similar conclusions. The most striking example in this sense is the one of Macedonia, where the country’s Social Democrat leader, Zoran Zaev, was sworn in as prime minister, after six months of political crisis. He, who is part of a center-left coalition supported by two ethnic Albanian groups, affirmed that he wants to fight corruption and want to bring Macedonia into NATO. The Macedonian nationalists have given rise to very violent protests against him. This, according to studies, is part of some intelligence operations triggered by Russia since 2008 to prevent the Balkans from approaching too much NATO.  But The Guardian said that on NATO, the Kremlin has experienced setbacks. In April, Montenegro’s parliament voted to become the military alliance’s newest member. Bosnia and Herzegovina are candidates for entry. Even Serbia has deepened ties with NATO, even if the resentment many Serbs feel towards the alliance is not easy to hide because of  the war of 1990s.

EU Urges Azerbaijan To Release Detained Opposition Figures

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The European Union has urged Azerbaijan to release detained opposition figures, in an apparent reference to the alleged abduction and arrest of a journalist critical of Baku and the detention of an opposition politician. The statement on June 4 did not mention names but came after journalist Afqan Muxtarli was kidnapped in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, on May 29 and the arrest of opposition politician Gozal Bayramli. The EU statement said “a review by Azerbaijan of any and all cases of incarceration related to the exercise of fundamental rights, including the freedom of expression, and immediate release [of] all of those concerned is urgent. “We expect that the due process of law is respected, as well as the civil and political rights of citizens and those residing legally in states other than their own”, it added. The EU also said it welcomed the Georgian government’s announcement that it would investigate the alleged kidnapping. Tbilisi denies it was involved in the case

Isolamento Qatar provocherà gravi ripercussioni

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La decisione senza precedenti del blocco di Paesi del Golfo (più le Maldive) di rompere le relazioni diplomatiche e commerciali con il Qatar è forse il primo atto di un processo che produrrà effetti a catena nei prossimi mesi. Un processo che era semplicemente tenuto in silenzio dall’attesa per le prime mosse della nuova Amministrazione americana. Non è dunque un caso che la decisione saudita, ma anche di Yemen, Bahrain, Egitto, arrivi a breve distanza dalla visita di Donald Trump a Ryadh. Una visita che ha smontato il primo pezzo della strategia USA impostata da Obama nell’ultimo decennio. Il riconoscimento dell’Iran come pivot geopolitico regionale, attraverso la legittimazione del suo programma nucleare, ha cambiato per un certo periodo il paradigma di potenza nella regione. Il Qatar ha trovato utile la mossa opportunistica di dialogare con Teheran in funzione anti-saudita, continuando peraltro a sostenere i gruppi di opposizione interna ai regimi di Arabia saudita e Egitto, in particolare la Fratellanza musulmana.

Una decisione che è opportunistica nelle modalità ma strutturale nelle motivazioni. Il golpe interno al piccolo stato del Golfo, atto fondativo della fase contemporanea della monarchia, è stato forse il momento di rottura più drammatico della vita interna al Qatar. I sauditi hanno considerato sempre il vicino come un protettorato. Fino a quando Doha non si è smarcata a suon di dollari del gas, di una attiva diplomazia economica e culturale e dello shopping finanziario e bancario in giro per il pianeta. La geometria delle alleanza, a partire da quel momento, è diventata variabile. Qatarini ed emiratini si sono trovati su fronti contrapposti in Libia – non è un caso che alla rottura delle relazioni diplomatiche si sia associato anche il Governo non riconosciuto di Tobruk -; sauditi ed emiratini hanno sponsorizzato gruppi diversi di copmbattenti in Siria; Qatar e Arabia Saudita si sono contrapposte in Egitto, con Doha che ha supportato ampiamente i Fratelli Musulmani di Morsi mentre Ryadh considera il Generale Al-Sisi un presidio di stabilità. Tutte queste contraddizioni hanno però trovato un punto di sintesi nella contrapposizione del mondo sunnita, guidato dalla dinastia degli al-Saud, all’Iran sciita. Ed è su questo punto che si è consumata la frattura delle scorse ore. L’Iran combatte una guerra per procura in Yemen, contro i gruppi vicini ai sauditi, in Siria – dove peraltro è l’unico Paese con “scarponi sul terreno” contro lo Stato Islamico -, in Bahrein, dove senz’altro alimenta le proteste di piazza contro il regno della minoranza sunnita. Ma la risposta dei sauditi al tentativo egemonico di Teheran non è meno spregiudicato: in Siria come in Iraq, i gruppi che si mescolano allo Stato islamico sono finanziati da Ryadh, come sostengono i rapporti dell’intelligence americana e dei principali think tanks internazionali.

In Medio Oriente si combatte una gigantesca guerra per procura per il predominio geopolitico e identitario nella regione. L’America di Obama aveva fatto una scelta strategica precisa, puntando sull’Iran come elemento di futura stabilizzazione. Era da immaginare che questa scelta avrebbe scontentato i sauditi e i suoi alleati nel Golfo. Non era immaginabile però che il nuovo Presidente americano avrebbe agito così rapidamente e contribuito a smontare con una sola visita un paziente lavoro di cucitura diplomatica durato anni. L’Iran rischia dunque un nuovo isolamento e il Qatar, che non ha mai rotto il filo del dialogo con gli iraniani, è il primo a farne le spese.
Si è riaperto un grande gioco in quell’area del mondo – c’è da attendersi che Russia e Cina non staranno a guardare. Le cui conseguenze sono imprevedibili. C’è però da giurare che, rientrato alla Casa Bianca dopo il suo primo lungo tour internazionale, Trump abbia capito finalmente quanto sia complicato il mondo e quanto sia difficile provare a governarlo.

di Gianluca Ansalone

Gianluca Ansalone
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